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Unable are theloved to diefor love isimmortality__________________

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Unable are the
loved to die
for love is

We are all in a car talking. Everyone is introducing themselves.

"Well i'm Nick Rye, I fly my plane Carmina. And I have a baby on the way." the young man smiles sitting in the back by the two other men.

"I'm Charlemagne Victor Boshaw IV but call me Sharky. And I light shit up." I slightly laugh.

"I'm Hurk Drubman Jr. Anything you need man just say the word and I mean anything. Well I guess your not a man your a woman. So i'm ma'am. Anything you need ma'am. Also sorry if I call you dude or what not it's just me man." He laughs nervously.

"It's fine Hurk I don't care about being called Man or Dude." He nods his head and smiles at my response.

"Well I'm Grace Armstrong 2004 sharpshooting champion. I was also in the army. Not as good as you I assume but pretty damn good with a sniper." The girls next me smiles looking at her sniper in her lap.

"Well assume you all know me. Allison Gramm. Never missed a shot on any gun. Was an army general. But I became famous and was used to sell guns and make people join the army. So I ran away from the city life to spend time with my son but now Jacob Seed has my boy." I keep my eyes on the road.

"I'm sorry ma'am." Grace says.

"Let's hope he doesn't fucking brain wash em with the music box of death." Sharky laughs.

"What do you mean?" I look at Sharky through the car mirror.

"Well Jacob has this music box. And um he plays only you and mixes it with bliss to test to see if you have potential to be his chosen. He says 'We have to cull the herd' Some crazy shit if you ask me." Hurk says.

"I remember that song." I smile remembering the nights me and and Jacob ran away from the troop and went to the lake dancing as we sang. He's changed more then i've even seen someone change.

I grip the wheel a little harder then I probably should.

"So what. You must know we can't take Jacob head first. W need to train get to know our skills so we can fit each other. I have a shooting range not to far from here." Graces says and I nod following her directions.

I pull into the shooting range and we all pile out of the truck. We walk to the shooting range and set things up.

Hurk Jr grabs a rocket launcher and walks over to the shooting range. He loads and shoots. I stand back and watch everyone shooting. Nick walks up to me.

"I'm sorry Jacob took your son. If he ever tried to take my baby i'd kill him." Nick smiles slightly "we will get him back I swear Miss Gramm." he walked away grabbing a gun and practicing.

I remember the days me and Jacob would practice together. If i'm honest seeing him may have been to much. The love of my life in front of me...alive..I just wish he'd at least called once. Told me he was okay...

I can't cry not now. I wipe the wetness forming at my eyes. For Jacob was truly never mine. We didn't know each other long enough for me to claim him as my love.

"Have you heard?" I listen to Sharky and Hunks conversation.

"What?" Sharky asks.

"Jacob has himself a lady they are gonna add her to the family soon. Maybe that's why they kidnapped her son. To start him a weird kidnapped family. It's wrong to take someone's baby like that." Hunks says loading his gun.

"What's her name?" Sharky asks.

"Uhhhh I think it's Tessa she's like young bro a lot younger then Jacob." Hurk and Sharky laugh.

"Maybe he likes em young bro." Sharky grabs his flame thrower and fills it up with gas.

I groan and grab a pistol sitting on a small table and point my gun and shoot at Sharky and Hurk. The bullets fly past them into two targets behind them.

They of course are scared shitless.

"Get to practicing boy. No time to waste." I smile and walk over to a laughing Nick and Grace. Of course after that they stayed on task as we all shoot rounds into the targets.

But I need to find out more about this girl Jacob is seeing. And find my son. This is not the life I was hoping for when I moved here.

New update!!!

I'm excited about this book! Allison is such a badass I swear!!

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