chpt.33 Home Sweet Home

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It feels so good to be back at home with my babies, I miss them to death.

"What did y'all two do while me and daddy was gone"?

"We went to the park, had a slumber party, and Aunty Unique took us to the water park. We had so much fun mommy you should came with us" Amyia said as she was sitting in my lap.

"I'm glad y'all had a blast, maybe I'll go next time".

"What you and daddy do"? Kmyia ask.

"We went hula dancing".

"Wait like with the girls wearing the skirt and they move their hips"?

"Yeah your daddy did as well, as a matter of fact I got it on my phone" I pull my phone out and showed the girls August doing the hula.

"Daddy look funny" they both laugh while holding the phone.

"What's so funny I wanna laugh to" August say sitting next to me, then he noticed what the girls was watching and tried to get the phone.

"Nope move August" I push his arms away.

"I know damn well you recorded me Shanti" he say looking at me.

"Yeah I did but I only show the girls that's it, besides you looked sexy doing the hula".

"Okay I got ya hula alright" he peck my lips and told the twins to come sit with him. During the rest of the day they told August about what all they did.


The twins was just talking my ear off but I was listening to every word they was saying.

"Daddy we love you" they both said at the same time.

"I love y'all too, so now what is it that you two double mint twins want" they should have known I was gonna say yes at whatever they was going to ask me.

"I'm not going to tell ask Amyia you ask, I'm not asking. How about we ask together then" they both look at me and said..

"Can we get a puppy PLEASE!!!"

"No" Ashanti say from the kitchen.

"I believe they ask their father not the momma" I say back.

"So can we get one daddy"?

"You know having a puppy is a big response ability right"?

"Yeah we know we have to walk, feed, bath, and play with it" Kmyia said.

"Not only that but you also have to clean up behind it far as picking up sh- I mean poop to".

"Okay" they both say at the same time.

"Alright y'all saying okay, I'll see if y'all can handle the responsibility. Gone ahead and get clean up for dinner".

I watch as they went up the stairs talking about what they go name the dog and stuff.

"August I know you is not gonna give them a dog" Ashanti say as she was setting up the table.

"Yeah I am, I already told them that they'll have to be responsible for it".

"They only five August, you spoil them girls too much".

"And you don't" I ask her while helping fix the plate.

"I don't just give them anything they want, I don't want them to be spoil and think whatever they ask for they get it and if they can't have their way then they decide to pitch a fit".

"That's when Big Bertha comes on the picture".

"And who is Big Bretha"?

"My belt, ain't gonna be none of that throwing a pitch fit like some kids be doing up in the store. I wish mines would you know I don't play that".

"Okay I'm just saying and why did you name your belt that"?

"No reason" I say then the girls came and sat at the table. We said grace and start eating, it feels good to be back home.

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