CH 3: Agni Kai

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After the ice was melted, we made course to one of the Fire Nation's colonies. The ship was heavily damaged and we couldn't do anything further. I thought that Zuko's ship was big, but it looked ridiculous when it was docked next to the Fire Nation's warships. "Uncle, I want the repairs made as quickly as possible!" Zuko said as the three of us entered the docks, "I don't want to stay too long and risk losing his trial!" Uncle Iroh, who followed us from behind said: "Oh, you mean the Avatar?" Zuko abruptly turned around, Iroh almost bumping up at him. "Don't mention his name on these docks!" Zuko hissed, "Once the word gets out that he's alive, every fire bender will go out looking for him and I don't want anyone to getting in the way."

"Getting in the way of what, Prince Zuko?" Our conversation got interrupted by a male voice, one that always go me on my nerves. The three of us looked surprised at the man who approached us. "Captain Zhao." Zuko said, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's Commander now." Zhao replied coolly with a smirk that I wish I could slap off his face.

"So, the chief upgraded you, did he? My father loves giving titles, mine was 'spoiled little brat.' but then again, he gives them to everyone these days." I said, waiting for a reaction. Zhao forced a smile. "Little Myra, always a pleasure," he said and he smiled nastily, "well, not so little anymore, are you?" I saw Zuko's face and I knew we quickly had t change subject.
"Thank you Commander." I replied quickly, looking away form him. "And General Iroh, great hero of our nation." Zhao said, making a bow towards Iroh.
"Retired general." Replied Iroh friendly.

"The Fire Lord's son and brother are welcome anytime, so is the admiral's daughter. What brings you two my harbor?" Zhao asked. "Our ship is being repaired." Iroh replied. Zhao looked at our ship, raising a suspicious eyebrow. "That's quite a bit of damage."

"Yeah, you wouldn't believe what happened." Zuko said, looking at me for help. "Oh, really? Try me." Zhao replied to the young Prince. "Uncle, tell Commander Zhao what happened." Zuko said quickly. "Eh," Iroh stammered, looking at me and Zuko.
"Okay, here's the deal," I started quickly and I looked up to the Commander, "we got attacked by an Earth Kingdom ship, they were firing rocks at us, it got quite ugly. We took a big hit. But we got away and we're here now to get this fixed."

"You don't say," Zhao replied, "you must regale me with all the thrilling details. Join me for a drink?"
"Sorry, but we have to go," Zuko said, dismissing the invitation, but Iroh stopped him, "Prince Zuko, show Commander Zhao your respect." Zhao smirked in amusement and waited for Zuko's reply.
Iroh let go of Zuko and turned towards Zhao. "We would be honored to join you, do you have any Ginseng tea? It's my favorite." Iroh said as he walked on behind Zhao. "Pfff, that went well." I sighed, shaking my head. In anger, Zuko clenched his fists and fire shot out of them.

"Ugh! I hate him!" Zuko hissed. "Don't worry, you stay put," I said, smiling teasingly, "I will get on his nerves and we will be out in no time." We followed the two men to Zhao's camp and we entered his tent. Zhao was talking how they wanted to take Ba Sing Se and other boring war plans. Iroh was inspecting some of the weapons in the tent while Zuko and I were awkwardly sipping our tea.

"And by year's end, the Earth Kingdom Capital will be under our rule. The Fire Nation will claim victory in this war." Zhao said when he was looking at a world map on the wall.

"If my father thinks the rest of the world will follow him willingly, then he is a fool." Zuko said with a criticizing undertone. Zhao sat down across Zuko. "Two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue." He said smirking, "So," he continued, "how is your search with for the Avatar going?" Zhao got interrupted by Iroh, who dropped the spears that hung on the wall. "My fault entirely." He apologized. I stood up to help him put them back, while carefully listening to Zuko's reply.

"We haven't found him yet." The prince replied. Zhao narrowed his eyes, looking at the Prince. "Well, did you really expect to?" He said mockingly, "The Avatar died over a hundred years ago, along with the rest of the airbenders."
"Unless," Zhao insisted, "you have found some evidence that the Avatar is still alive." Zuko looked away. "No, nothing."

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