Ch 1: Celestial Lights

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I was standing at the railing, my hands resting on the cold metal. It was snowing softly, and the whole area was covered with a blindingly white coat of snow. There was no sign of life, but how could that even be possible at the end of the world?

I have seen a lot of the world, being at see for almost two years. But nothing has seemed as quiet and peaceful as the South Pole. Of course, the South Pole has suffered a lot in the last 100 years, but you could not see that now. As if it never happened.... But enough has happened, I know that all too well.

My thoughts were interrupted by a bright blue light at the end of the horizon. Quickly I turned around, gasping lightly as I looked straight into the golden eyes of the Prince of the Fire Nation. "Finally, my search has come to an end," he exclaimed, "do you know what that means? He asked, turning to his uncle who was playing a game. "I won't get to finish my game?" Iroh replied calmly. "It means that my search has come to an end." Zuko replied. I sighed and turned my back to the prince, staring at the light, it was a beautiful sight.

"That light came from an incredibly powerful source." Zuko said firmly.
Iroh, The Dragon of the West and former general of the Fire Nation, sighed deeply and shook his head. "Or it's just a celestial light," he said calmly, his eyes still gazing on his game, "We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko. I don't want you to get excited over nothing. Please sit. Why don't you come and enjoy a cup of calming tea?"

"I DON'T NEED CALMING TEA!" He yelled enraged at his uncle, "I need to capture the Avatar!"
Iroh ignored his nephew's attitude and looked at me. "Myra, will you join me?" He asked friendly. "I would love to." I replied friendly.
"Oh yeah, have an another tea party, that's all you two do anyway!" Zuko sneered as he passed me. I narrowed my eyes at him, quickly sticking my tongue out behind his back.

"Helmsman," He shouted at the top of the tower, "head a course for that light!" And with that, he stormed inside.

Annoyed, but saddened I watched him until the door shut behind him. I sighed and walked passed Iroh, but he grabbed my hand. "Please, have some tea." He said friendly. I slightly hesitated, but sat down nonetheless. "Still angry, huh?" He concluded as he poured me a cup of Jasmin tea.

I grabbed my cup of tea and warmed my hands on the porcelain. "He's always angry," I started, looking at the tiles of the game, "but this time he has a reason to be, I guess."

"I am sure he'll come around," Iroh said with a faint smile, "he is happy and grateful that you are here with him, to support him."

"Well, I had little choice." I replied coldly, taking a sip of my tea.
"Zuko also had little choice..." Iroh replied. I looked up at him and sighed, nodding slowly. "I know."
"You always had each other, and you still do. Make the best out of the situation." Iroh said lightly.

"You're right," I said quietly and I moved a bit on my pillow, "I don't know why, but it just bothers me.... I mean, my mother told me I have family here. I always imagined myself coming here as one of them, truly one of them... Instead I come here, draped in a black and red gown on a Fire Nation battleship... Strange huh?"

"It is not strange at all," Iroh said as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently, "A part of your roots lie here... It is normal you feel this way. But don't worry about it, everything will be alright. Why don't you take a nice bath and rest a bit?" I pulled my hand back and stood up. "That's a good idea, I shall," I said as I straightened the folds in my dress, "call me when you need anything and thank you for the tea."

With a feeling as if I had lead in my shoes I walked back to my chamber. I opened the door and shut it behind me, leaning against it before I got up and lighted some candles . I looked in the mirror of my dressing table and by the time I got older, the more did I realize how different I look compared to the children I grew up with, as the ice-blue eyes of my reflection stared back at me in mirrors. I sat down on the chair in front of the dressing table and took off coat and my furry black scarf, revealing a lightly tinted and blemished skin surrounded by a bunch of untamable, dark brown curls.

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