Chapter 8: Gender equality, bitch

Depuis le début

Lisa: Too bad~ You don't have a choice~

She send another lightning at me, as i look around

Y/N: Wait, you were talking to me? I'm sorry, you were so insignificant, i forgot about your existence

Lisa: You pushed your luck a little too far~

She was about to send a zap at me, as my eyes glowed amber, ready to counter her

BUT, the weakest goddess jumped in front of us, stopping us

Venti: Stop it at once. If you fight here, the civilians will die, and that's not what you want, Y/N

Y/N: That's what i want

Venti: Stop bluffing

Y/N: Oh, so you're saying i'm a liar? Okay then

I created a portal, and blast half of the city, and smile at her

Y/N: Mind repeating that?

Narrator POV

Venti: He is dead serious..... We're in a bad spot.....

She looked at him, worried, as he smiled at her, his eyes glowing amber, and the sky above him, cracking

Y/N: I'm kinda in a bad mood, because of a fatui, but since i'm kind, i'm going to give you two options

1: You beg my forgiveness, and i stop, and maybe give you all a gentle death

2: You let that idiot attack me from behind, and you all die in a horrible way

Venti told Jean to stop, as Y/N smiled

Y/N: Good! Well then-

Zhonglia: Take this!

She used her power to make a Meteor fall on the city, as Y/N deadpanned

Y/N: Oh no, a huge rock, i hope someone as strong as Saitama can break it in one punch. Go fuck yourself

He snapped his finger, as the giant Meteor dissapeard

Y/N: You really thought a rock could kill me? Go fuck yourself, seriously

???: You and me are not done yet

He turn to the owner of the voice, bored, and see Kiana, pissed

Y/N: Oh, hello honey, how did your day goes?

Kiana: Awful, i was searching for you all day, but i couldn't find you

Y/N: Aww..... That's so cute...... You really thought i would say that?

Kiana: Yes, and then you let me kill you without resistance. But i guess you got stronger. How did you get so strong?

Y/N: I had a day of rest

Kiana: Oh you think you're being cute?

Y/N: Bitch i'm adorable

Kiana: Fine, how about this then?

She created a giant portal above her, ready to shoot

Y/N: And that's just precious

She shoot at him at full power, as he stood there, smirking

Y/N: I'm pulling a Cooler here

He rush toward the beam, swimming in it, before getting out of it, in front of her

Y/N: Avon calling!

I punched her in the face, sending her to a mountain, before looking around, and see Fontaine emitting weird energy

Genius Tendency (Male Reader x Genshin Impact)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant