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Peter walked down the silent corradors of the Avengers Tower, he sighed softly as he dragged his hands through his messy hair. He was about to past Natasha's room when he heard muffled wimpers. He stopped to listen closer to make sure she was in danger before he charged into her room. "Don't touch me!" The moment the words left her lips Peter was in the vents and in her room, as he dropped down he saw Natasha toss in her bed. "Ms. Romanoff?" He called as he slowly approched her bed, Natasha sat up quickly and pointed a gun at his head. "Shit Peter!" She dropped the gun into her lap when she saw his face in the moonlight. Groaning slightly she dropped her head into her hands, "What are you doing here? Correction, how did you get in here?" She asked never picking her head up from her hands. Peter slowly crawled onto the bed next to her. "I heard you call out so i came in through the vents. Did," He paused for a few seconds "Did someone hurt you?" He finally asked her. She laughed bitterly before turning her peircing green eyes on him. "A long time ago, yes." She then picked up her gun and placed it on the nightstand. Peter watched her for a minute. "Who? If you don't mind me asking." He asked softly as he played with her blanket. She took the blanket and tossed it over his lap, he looked at her with a small smile. "When I was in the Red Room, our handlers were rough with all of us. We were chained to our beds, trained all day, and if someone messed up, all night too. The Black Widow dosent need sleep." She sighed softly dragging her left hand through her mess of red curls. "If one of us looked weak the most promising had to kill them." She smiled darkly, "I was 13 when I had to kill Nadine, she was the first one to die by my hands, and the first one to be killed in our group. I had to kill the rest of them when I turned 18. I had my first misson, seduce and kill Viktor Brushbum, It was an easy enough mission. I was done within hours." She looked at Peter before she continued. He looked at her and smiled, she shook her head and took his hand. "When they decided it was time for the graduation ceremony is when things really got dark for me. Some of the male handlers came into my bunk where I was chained, said since I was going in for the sergery they wanted to have their fun then. They covered my mouth and raped me. Madam B found them on top of me and rolled her eyes, then promptly walked back out. Next day, they made it to where I couldnt have kids. Ever." She noticed Peter's grip on her hand tightend and that another came up to her face to wipe away tears that she had no idea had fallen. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." He said softly, she only shook her head and sighed. "There's more, but not tonight. If you want you can stay here, I know your having a rough time settling in." As she said that she slipped more under her covers, Peter looked at her and gave a sheepish smile. "Would it be too much if I asked for you to hold me? I kinda want to be held. You don't have to, I just wanted to ask." He looked at the covers again expecting to hear her say no. Natasha pulled him into her arms and berried her nose into his hair. Peter sighed softly and let his body melt into her's as he nuzzled into her throat.
The next morning Tony wandered down the halls looking for Peter, having already looked in most of the rooms he gulped softly and looked at the final room. "Please don't point a gun at my head." He prayed sofly when he coded in the master command to enter Natasha's room. When the light lit green he opened the door to see Peter passed out in the bed but no Natasha to be found. He gulped when a cold barrel of a gun pressed to his temple. "Tony, what the fuck are you doing in my room?" Came the room owners voice from behind him. Quickly raising his hands he turned around to see her hair wet and a towel covering her body. "ah, jeez, came looking for the kid, I swear." He promised looking above her head. She removed the gun and walked into her closet. Peter shifted in the bed but didnt wake up. Natasha walked out a few seconds later in a pair of black jeans and a red fitting top, she walked over and sat on the edge of her bed and ran a hand through Peters hair softly. "Peter, come on, you gotta wake up." She called softly. Tony watched a side of Nat that he would never see. Peter gave a slight groan and gripped Nat's leg, She chuckled and ran her hand through his hair once more then looked over at Tony. "Do you mind if I take him to the Barton farm for a bit? I'm itching to see the kids and I think getting him out of the tower would do him some good." She asked as she continued to run her fingers through Peter's hair. Tony smiled a bit and nodded his head. "Yeah, that would be okay. Maybe Barton's mini agents and get his mind off his aunt. Take as much time you think is needed. We'll have things covered." He said and walked over to Peter and Nat and shook the kids shoulder. "Hey kid, imma need you to get up and pack a bag for a few weeks." Tony said as Peter looked up at him. "Huh? Where m'ai goin?" He asked groggily as he slowly sat up in Nat's bed. "I'm taken you out of the tower for a while. Get some country air." Nat said as she stood up and snagged a small duffle bag. "Pack for a few day's, when we get to where we're goin, i'll get you more clothes." She said as she dissapeared into her closet.

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