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A Nigerian hostel urban legend.

The story started with a studious girl who lived in her hostel room with three other girls.

She was particularly close to one, Becca.

They were bunk mates and mainly stuck to themselves because their other roommates were lesbians.

Becca and Caro would read together, have lunch together and even shower together. They were best of friends.

One weekend, they had their timetable given out to them and they set about.

They had early cleaning exercises till twelve noon, had brunch by 1pm and then had to make their hairs. They would all walk to the school salon to wait their turns.

Caro sported a low cut but Becca didn't so she'd go keep her friend's company at the salon but this particular Saturday, Becca claimed she needed to sleep and regain her strength. Caro tried to convince her to make her hair first to avoid getting punished by the house mistress but Becca insisted she wanted to sleep so Caro left her alone in the room and went to spend the extra cash she had on her on a decent meal since the school provided shitty food.

On Caro's way back, she met their other roommates and they told her the salon was now almost empty.

She hurried back to the hostel to tell Becca but when she got back, Becca was nowhere to be found.

She panicked but didn't want to raise an alarm.

She waited patiently and after a long time, Becca snuck back into the hostel having gone to the neighboring all boys school to see her boyfriend.

She displayed the goodies he'd gotten her and Caro marveled.
They were both caught up in their girlish gossips and sexual conversations that they forgot about the salon.

By the time they remembered, it was late at night. Caro panicked and thought about what their heartless house mistress would do.

Becca could report sick but since she hadn't gone to the sick bay to report, she'd be punished anyway.

Becca calmed her friend and went to sleep. Caro too, not wanting to create an unnecessary scene, went to sleep too wondering why her friend was so calm about the impending punishment.

Before long, she fell asleep but was awakened hours later by a squishing then combing sounds.

She laid still and listened intently. It seemed to be coming from the bottom bunk.

Becca's bed.

She wanted to call out her name but stopped herself. What if it was an intruder?

Making little to no noise, she got down from her bunk and walk around it to wake her friend but as she rounded to see her friend's bed. Her heart jumped into her mouth.

On the bed and sitting sideways was Becca. Her headless body held her head in her laps as her hands worked rapidly on the braids.

Caro let out an ear shattering scream and fainted dead away!

She was never thesame after that night. She moved from therapy to therapy. She told her story to everyone who cared to listen but no one believed.

No one ever heard from Becca again.

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