"Not right now my suits is all messed can I just go home grab my back up suit and then come to the tower?" I nod my head I can tell he hiding his excitement.

"We'll see you in a bit oh is it alright if I just enter through a window and if I can what floor I go through but if it's too much trouble Mr.Stark I understand your a ver." I like this dude already but first thing first.

"Dude stop call me Mr.Stark I get it I'm all high and mighty but you just saved me call me Tony." I hope he smiling.

"It was no problem Tony well see you in a bit but the window?" We all laugh a little.

"Yeah no problem I'll have the window open for you it will be the only one on the side." He nods before he can leave.

"Wait what's your name?" I don't know much about this guys I don't want the black Widow to shoot a innocent guy.

"Sorry but I'm coming as Spider-Man I don't just give identity out." He point at his throat I tilt my head turn to Pep she also doesn't know but when turn back he's gone damn him and the spy's will get along real well.

Peter POV

I really love this voice modulator, people just think I'm an adult with this fake deep voice which I wish I had.

I arrive at my apartment quickly change I texted May if she was home but she had to take over for someone which is bad since she's basically my personal doctor now I'm head over with tons of pain.

I find my back up suit this one is basically a duplicate it's here just in case I need a quick change like this. I start swinging to the tower, I arrive a couple minutes later and I told Karen to look for the open window she found and that's where I'm climbing toward.

Tony POV

I made my way to the living area where I see Clint and Sam playing Cod everyone else just watching we have two tv for there 1v1 they like doing.

"Before you guys start screaming at each other I just wanted to let you know mostly Nat that Spider-Man is coming through that window." On cue Fri opened the window I pointed.

"Ok I warned you so Nat no shooting the guy, please before you ask he saved Me and Pepper life so I told he can come hang eat, oh and patch him up he looked like shit when we found and he took a bullet for Pepper." Some of them are surprised don't know from what part.

"Nice my kids love Spider-Man I don't know what he does different that my own kids like him more than me." Clint says at least he has fans.

"Oh Bruce we may have another science bro with us." Bruce looked intrigued hey better than him getting mad and hulking out on us.

"Ugh more science people exactly who I want to hang out with." Bucky groans out.

"Aww come on we're not all that bad." They give me that look that they're not convinced.

"Have you heard him in fights he constantly make some corny jokes only a dad would make." Sam said a lot of them agree minus Wanda.

"Yeah he may talk a lot but he has saved this city and the people from huge time criminals, he did won a lot of Avenger level threat and he did it by himself." Cap defend him at least not everyone hates him.

"Sir Spider-Man is climbing the building as we speak." Huh speak of the Devil.

"Just don't ask for his identity and don't push for him to say it to." They all surprisingly listen to me.

Peter POV

I'm so nervous it's not even funny. I jump through the window that was open, and I didn't expect them all to be there, I do my best to try recompose my self.

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