𝓗𝓲𝓼 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 || 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮

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Before I start I want to make sure everyone reading this has read the first book or it will not make sense its called 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 (Sleepy Bois Inc Au)

thank you lets begin


"Could I at least know who the father is?" Tommy grabbed Ranboo's hand and practically dragged him over. "Yes It's King-" "DREAM!" Tommy cut in before he could finish. "Dream hurry up the car trips long and I want to see father so we can celebrate my birthday too!" The two brothers walked up next to Phil. "y-your really going?" Wilbur asked. Tommy nodded before he replied. "Yes but it was lovely to see you again!", "What do you mean see you again we've only met once!" Techno yelled out. "TOMATHY HURRY UP ITS TIME TO GO!" Tommy heard dream yell.

"Good bye Father and good bye brother's" Tommy said before running into the carriage that was now taking off.

"We need to follow him" Wilbur said as His twin ran off somewhere,

"I agree but how..."their father agreed, Techno had returned and was know holding bottles of something. "Techno what are those" He quickly responded running towards the horses "No time to explain let's follow them!" Getting on their horses and following the carriage that was carrying their Family member.

"Quickly drink these" He said handing the substance in the bottles whilst downing one himself. They did as they were told and drank it slowly turning invisible. "Follow my horse" Techno said going into the forest surrounding the path.

They must of been going for about an hour now because a Castle and town was now in view from the forest plus they have been through two more of those 'drinks'. About thirty minutes later the door to the carriage. Tommy had jumped out the door his wings flapping making sure he wouldn't hit the ground on impact.

"Tommy where are you going?" Dream questioned who was sitting opposite to Ranboo. "I'll meet you at the gates your taking forever." Tommy yelled flying upwards and towards the Town. "Hurry up we need to catch up" Techno said from his horse, Who was now speeding ahead of the group.

When the group got to the gates of the town Tommy had been there for about five minutes, having to drink another one of those 'drinks' so they could have more time to spy. Waiting for the carriage Tommy seemed impatient,
"DREAM HURRY UP" they heard tommy yell from above as a speeding carriage zoomed past the four of them. The three of them running after the carriage knowing Tommy would yell something before flying after it.

"Did I ever tell, you how much of a dick you are?" Tommy asked the older prince, "Yes you have on multiple occasions" He answered as Ranboo tried to stifle a laugh.

"Is Brother Q here?" Tommy asked Dream, "he is waiting outside the castle" He nodded as he spoke, Ranboo looked confused "Who?" He asked.
"Brother Q is my brother his real name is Quackity but I prefer brother Q" parts of Wilbur and Techno's souls fractured after hearing THEIR brother call someone else his brother. "YOUGOTTOMEETHIMHEISAMAZINGTRUSTME." Not understanding a word Tommy said Ranboo just nodded along (you got to meet him he is amazing trust me)

Dragging Ranboo to the castle to meet his brother with the three other invisible people hot on his tail without him even noticing.

"BROTHER Q!" Tommy yelled out seeing his black haired beanie wearing brother. "TOMMY and friend?" He said confused. "Oh right Ranboo this is my brother Quackity, Quackity Ranboo my personal guard speaking of which do you know where I can find Father?" He said all in one breath "Uhh yeah he said something 'Bout talking you said it was important, and to meet him at the place you first met. And once you come back we can celebrate!" Quackity said enthusiastically.
Looking in the direction of where Tommy had first met his father "I'll be back in a second" This time only one person followed his Father who was devastated by this all.

Following the young boy into a forest of sorts stopping at a clearing where a person sat on a log with a hood up, the king couldn't make out the face but it seemed Tommy new who it was.

"Hello Father... you only ever talk to me here if it's serious." He said with a laugh. He looked at Tommy straight in the eyes not like Phil could tell. "You can let the facade down its pointless against me Tommy." It was said in a soft voice." I don't know what you mean" He walked accouple steps towards the hooded figure. "Tommy I'm your father I know these things know." He said painfully. That sentence hit Phil in the heart hearing someone he may have never met really hurt him.

The hooded figure got up and engulfed a now crying Tommy in a hug wiping his tears away, whist saying fatherly things to him.

"Its your birthday you shouldn't be sad birthday boy!" He said in a cheerful voice, he had a small break in silence  before continuing "Now I'm pretty sure your brother has something for your return and birthday, I'll be with you in a second." Without a second thought the boy ran through the forest out of sight.

"What are you doing here king Philza?" The hooded man said before lowering his hood. "King-"

Chapter one
And you thought I was going to give you the name straight up.
I must be so infuriating am I right (also I'm not sorry :)     )
Hope you enjoyed.

Words in story : 802
Words in general : 952

Fare well

𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 (Sleepy Bois Inc au)Where stories live. Discover now