Prologue/Chapter 1: The Beginning

Start from the beginning

I then started to stitch up my mother's deep cut. I went slowly as I brought the needle through her skin. She flinched every time I brought the needle through. "I'm sorry mommy." I said worried that I was hurting her even more.

"It's okay honey." it took an hour to fix her up. Then she went upstairs to my bedroom. I looked around and frowned. It was a mess. I put the first aid stuff back and traded it in for bleach and a vacum. I first vacuumed up all the glass. Then I picked up the small coffee table and slowly careful not to cut myself on the glass and took it outside to the curb. Once I was done I went back inside and cleaned up the blood stains as best as I could. When I was done the living room looked spotless. I put everything back and headed back up to my room.

"Mommy?" I asked knocking hesitantly on the door not wanting to wake her up. I looked at her she was sleeping. I sighed and went to her side and lay down next to her, curling up to her warmth.

I cried silently for what seemed like hours. I hated what my father had done to my mother. I hated my mother for falling in love with him in the first place. She would still tell the story about when they first met even now she says she loves him. I would never fall in love. I'd sooner rather die than love someone. Men were evil. Simple as that.

Ten years later.

I walked through the door. It was another day full of hard work. I worked part time at a small cafe in town earning a small amount of money for one day when I could take my mother and leave my father behind. After all these years he still continues to beat her rape her and she still hasn't left him.

And no matter how stupid I thought she was I couldn't leave her with that man. Especially after the birth of my brother Caden who was now turning four in a month. When my mom was pregnant my dad treated her good. But it only lasted nine months. Then he became a monster again. It was six o'clock so I went to the kitchen and started super. Then when I up the chicken in the oven I went upstairs to my room to check on Caden who was sound asleep on my bed curled up in my old Elmo blanket. I smiled softly. I loved my brother more than my own life. I went back down stairs and finished super. I put two plates of food on the table and made two more and wrapped them with plastic and set them in the fridge. I took both plates upstairs and set them down my bedroom floor. "Caden," I said softly. "Wake up. Dinner time." my bother stirred in his bed and slowly woke up.

He smiled at me and said "hey sissy. Your home." he rubbed his eyes with his tiny hands.

"Yea now eat." he did as I told him then turned on the tv and watched sponge bob. I smiled and sat down on the desk and did my homework. It was around nine when it was time to sleep. I tucked Caden in next to me and fell asleep at his side dreaming of bliss and slipping away from reality.

A crash and a scream woke me up from my sleep. I bolted out of bed and ran down stairs. My mother was running around the house putting things in boxes. When she saw me she smiled "we are leaving. I've had enough. Pack let's go. He wasn't going to be home till tomorrow night and I was going to let you sleep. But now that you're up sooner we're gone the better." she said. My mother blue eyes have gotten older and sadder. She looked like an old women. She was 34 year old in the body of a 50 year old.

I ran upstairs and started to pack. I shoved mine and Caden's things into separate bags. When the room was empty of everything but the furniture I ran to my father's room. I went into the closet and pulled out a tin box. I opened it and saw thousands and thousands of dollars in there. He was always saving this for a rainy day. He sure as he didn't need it. I pocketed the money and a few valuables and left the room looking untouched. I put all mine and his money in a bag and shoved it in the bottom on my suit case. With 9,000 dollars in my suitcase, I took all my belonging and hurried downstairs.

I Love You is a Horrible Thing to Say: A Tale of Two MatesWhere stories live. Discover now