Chapter 14 ~ Sophie

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Those who wander are not lost.

That's the first thing I see as we glitter back into view.  I feel the tears start to roll down my face.  Biana and Lihn try to comfort me but it's no use.  Once we find the spot that Keefe's tree will be planted, I notice that most of the guests are crying girls that probably had a crush on him at some point or still do.  We look around for the rest of the group.  We spot Dex, eyes red from crying, and Tam hiding in the shadows looking sympathetic.

"The ceremony is about to begin," Biana states.

"We should get going," Lihn adds.

Unfortunately, Lord Cassius was unable to make it.  But since Biana, Ritz (still not sure about that one), and I are his closest friends, we will perform the ceremony.  We head up to the stage by the open space for his tree.  Ritz hands Biana the seed.  She wraps the hair from his favorite brush around it.  I take out the vial containing the purple liquid.  Ritz digs the hole and Biana drops in the seed.  Once the seed has been planted, I smash the vial against the ground.  After a few moments a sapling sprouts.  It looks almost exactly like him.  A tall lean tree with blonde shaggy leaves.  It looks exactly like how his hair usually is styled.  The berries on the leaves were the same shade of ice blue as his eyes.  There wasn't a dry eye in the crowd. 

I'm back!  Sorry, this was short but I wanted to get something out to you guys today.  The next chapter will be out soon.  Don't worry Keefe will awaken soon.  (probably)  So thanks for reading and see you all later.

~Addison ;)

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