he finds out you're pregnant! (pt. 1)

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"Are you ready to check y/n?" Pony asked as he said on the side of the bathtub with me

"Yeah... I think so." I hesitated

I have been having horrible pregnancy symptoms for about a week, nausea, bloating and some mild cramping. Ponyboy and I are both 24 and got married 3 years ago, we've talked about starting a family and have been trying for over a year. But, every time I have taken a pregnancy test, they have all been negative. Each time they have been negative it has deeply affected us in a very negative way. I grabbed the test off the counter without looking at it.

"Alright sweetie, 1...2...3." I said as flipped the test over


"Yes! We did it!" We both said as the same time

We both stood and hugged each other, tightly

"Oh my god, Y/N, we're gonna be parents!" Pony said with tears running down his cheeks "I love you baby."

"I love you too, Ponyboy."


"Y/N, Wake up. It's 1 in the afternoon." Soda said as he tapped me awake

"No, I'm tired." I said groggily

"Mhmm... Really." He said, emotionless

"I'm serious."

"Babe, You went to bed at 8 pm, you've had enough sleep." He said as he pulled my arm

I didn't budge.

"Babe come on-"


The room was silent for a good minute, until I busted out crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I said as I wiped me tears

"Oh Y/N, it's okay." He said as he sat on the bed next to me. "But, is there something going on, you've never been this tired?" He asked as he rubbed my leg

There is something going on, yesterday I found out I am pregnant and I'm terrified about what Soda is gonna say.

"Well..?" He questioned

"Soda, this is really big... well... W-We're gonna become parents..." I said

His eyes went wide and smile grew big.

"I'm gonna be a father?" He asked

"Yes, yes you are."

"When did you find out?" He said with watery eyes

"Yesterday." I replied as I sat up

As soon as I did, He smothered me with hugs and kisses as we both cried tears of joy.


I woke up to Darry giving me soft kisses on my nose. He looked at me with a smile and rubbed cheeks. He is the sweetest husband ever!

"Good morning Honey." He said

"Good morning Darbear." I said as I pulled the covers off of myself


That's Darry's and I's daughter, Genevieve, but everyone calls her, Evie, she's 2 ½ and the most adorable girl in the world.

"Hi princess." I said as I lifted her up and smoothed her with soft kisses

"Is your morning going good baby?" I asked

She nodded her head and I handed her to Darry.

"Dada, can we play with dolls and have breakfast?" she asked

"Of course, precious." He said as he got out of bed putting Deena on the side of his hip

As soon as they walked out of the bedroom, I went to the closet and pulled out a big box. This box is the way I'm telling Darry that I'm pregnant. It's a toaster oven with a bun inside of it. I am about 7 weeks today and I think it's the perfect time to tell him. I have been really scared and have been avoiding telling him this ever since I found out which was about a week ago. I walked into the living room with the box.

"What's that mama?" Evie said from her high chair as Darry fed her oatmeal

"It's for Dada." I said handing him the box

"Okay?" He said confused

He opened the box with a confused look on his face and then he realized what it was.

"It's a bun in a toaster oven? A bun in the oven? A-A bun in the oven! You're pregnant!" He said "Evie, you're gonna be a big sister!"

She smiled and Darry picked her up, putting her on his hip.

"Oh honey, I love you." Darry said as he gave me a hug

"I love you more, superdope."


"Okay, I've got this!" I said as I looked at myself in the mirror

Johnny was at work and while he is gone, I'm making him a gift bag for Johnny to tell him that I'm having our baby. In the bag, I put a baby bottle, pacifier, baby toy and the pregnancy test in the bag. I have been planning this for the past week, scared out of my mind how Johnny is gonna react. This baby wasn't planned but when I found out I was ecstatic. Johnny and I are both 20, live together and have been married for a year.

"Y/N?" Johnny said

"In here!"

I heard Johnny walk to the bedroom and open the door.

"Hi Sweetness." He said as he pecked me on the lips

"Hi Baby." I replied

He looked me in the eye, but his eyes quickly shifted.

"What's that?" He questioned

"It's a gift for you." I said handing him the bag

He gave me a confused look but continued to open the bag. He pulled out the toy first, then pacifier, next bottle, and last but not least, the test. He eyes wide and he finally realized what this means.

"Y/N, you're pregnant?" He said with a smile

"Yeah... Is that okay with you?" I said

"It's great! We're gonna be parents!" He said, excitedly

I stood up and he gave me a huge kiss.

"I'm so excited, Y/N"

"Me too baby"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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