"I longed for you." She pouted and sipped the fragrant liquid while she fought the need to gasp. "And I took a bath..." she croaked out.

"Too bad I missed that..." He smiled with those eyelids lazily half closed. "Next time I can pull up a chair and watch you lather up." That statement made her body tingle in that fluttering way and a sweet ache began to churn deep inside her. She pushed her thighs hard together.

That night he took her hand and led her to his bed. She was a trembling mess, nervous beyond belief of what would happen, but he reassured her that she had nothing to fear. "You are not ready for me yet, my little one. I'll wait." It was no surprise that she had never been intimate with a man and some kind of stupid pride filled him at that thought.

The statement that he wouldn't do anything was both relieving and disappointing. Maya felt so small next to the man who was a good thirty centimetres taller than her.

"Stand still," he ordered and she obliged with a thundering pulse as he pulled the zipper of her dress down. He undressed her slowly while her heart threatened to jump out through her chestplate and her body burned. But when she was naked, he simply tucked the silksheet around her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Good night ma petite." She felt his breath fanning out over her neck and it took a long time for her to fall asleep.

* * *

The days that followed, Maya and Arnaud's relationship improved; his mood was much better and it became clearer how he loved to tease her. She loved to watch the depths of his twinkling eyes even if she still felt a need to respectfully avert her own eyes; that thing was so deep imbedded in her persona that it wasn't that easy to shake.

Arnaud appreciated her humble manner; that was clearly visible in his eyes. After his business trip his mood was lifted, even playful. His eyes twinkled and laughter came easy for him. Maya loved this change in mood and it became much easier for her to relax with him being playful instead of pure smouldering desire.

One day at work Maya accidentally bumped into the desk on her way around it and winced at the pain protruding from her buttock.

"Come here; let me have a look at it." Arnaud was using his comforting voice and she complied. With his hands on her waist she was turned with her back at him and before she had time to do anything Maya found herself on his desk with her skirt up over her behind.

She struggled and yelped for him to help her up, but couldn't reach the floor with her feet. He kept stroking that bared bum of hers. Maya was terrified that somebody would walk in on them and se her like this. "Let me blow that pain away," he murmured and blew softly on the sore spot. Goosebumps instantly appeared and he snickered as he softly slid his fingers over them. Desire shot through her and pooled deep within her and she moaned out loud. He snickered. "You are so beautiful like this." As she stopped struggle to get a foothold, her body reacted with pure unadultered desire.

Next minute, there was a knock on the door and Maya's heart nearly stopped.

"Just a minute!" Arnaud called and helped her on her feet. With a burning blush she didn't even have time to get to her chair before he buzzed the person in. Maya slumped down in her seat and winced from the pain. In the corner of her eye she noticed Arnaud's satisfied grin and the twinkle in his eyes.

You might get the idea that he was mean, but he was a fantastic man. The only time I noticed even the remote anger inside him was as he got frustrated in an odd business deal or two.

Between Maya and him it was as if he knew instinctively what would tickle her wicked imagination and he widened the spectrum of that mentioned imagination. The fire burning in his eyes when he saw how embarrassed she got was incredibly arousing even for her.

Weeks and months passed with nothing but innuendos and more or less degrading behaviour Maya wondered if he had brought her there for pure torture. She had accepted the idea of becoming a mistress instead of a wife, but he still hadn't made her his in the way she had expected.

Her body was burning for each touch.

Now and then he went on a trip to London and she was left to her own devises. His mood always seemed better when he returned from that business trip and Maya wondered if he would ever take her with him.

Her own mood was also better when he came back and their relationship became more playful.

"I have a present for you," he cooed.

"Sir, you don't have to do that," she assured him. "I can never repay you for all the things you buy me."

"We'll think of a way..." He grinned wry. "Here, take this." He held up a green small paper bag with the word Harrod's on and Maya was intrigued. He had thought of her when he was in London. Her heart fluttered and so did her hands as she reached for the bag. She had feared for some time that he was seeing somebody else when he went to London so this was evidence that he thought of her and nobody else.

"Thank you sir."

"You're welcome, my little one." He grinned wry and that glow in his eyes made her body flutter and burn again.

Maya reached into the bag and grabbed pearls. Thinking it was another necklace, she lifted it up to find it to be delicacies. He had bought her a thong with pearls.

"I know they will look delicious on you, ma petite..." He had walked around her and was standing by her back, talking in her ear sending shivers down her spine. Her mouth suddenly got dry.

"But sir..."

"I want you to try them on and then perhaps wear them for work tomorrow...?" His excitement was clear and it accelerated Maya's. "Put them on," he whispered and slid his hands over her chest softly. Her nipples were standing in salute, welcoming his touch. "It would please me greatly," he whispered and she knew that she wanted to please him. She just wished he knew how much she would do for him.

Just as she was about to leave for her room to change, he grabbed her wrist. "Here," he whispered into her hair. Carefully Maya hauled up the hem of her dress and slid her hands under to remove the current thong. He held a hand out and she put them there. To her horror he brought them to his nose and drew in the scent.

"Sir!" Maya gasped appalled, but them he pulled them up to her own nose.

"Smell it, it's all you," he whispered and she could feel the slightly acidic scent mixed with the shower gel. It was actually not that bad. He exhaled next into her ear as she did this and his tongue flickered out to touch the neck right under her ear, making her stomach contract and she moaned.

"Now put the others on," he whispered and as she bent forward Maya could feel a particularly rigid part of him against her back. He was turned on, that was quite clear.

The pearls were chilly as they slid up her inner thigh and when they reached its destination she flinched slightly by the cold. An involuntarily sound escaped her lips as the pearls found their right place. They slid easily between her buttocks covering that sensitive area and reaching forward where it split in two pearl lengths. Her sex clenched and all air left her lungs in a sharp exhale. Arnaud stood behind her and kept placing featherlight kisses along her neck.

"Let me look at you," he whispered and slowly slid her zipper down. The dress pooled out by her feet with a swishing sound. All that was audible was Arnaud's breathing on her neck and her pulse that once again hammered like a den-den daiko fiercely whipped back and forth.

Arnaud took her hand in his and urged her to walk a few steps forward before his grip on her made her turn to face him. With every step the pearls rubbed against her sex and slightly pinched her lower lips.

A long grunt erupted from him as he saw how affected she got; he sounded more like an animal than human. Not many times she had stood before him like this, but she could see desire in his half closed eyes.

"My beautiful little one..."


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