First Day But Feels Like Forever

Start from the beginning

"Yes, Iduna."

"How are you doing Astrid?"

"Good, it's all nice. It's nice to see how it works."

"Very good. We will be done for the day soon, any plans for afterward?"

"Well, I want to get started on admitting Zephyr for school. Also start with you know what."

"Right. Well like I said that day will end soon."

"That is no problem at all, I like this. Especially with it being in the outdoors."

Zephyr POV
"This was her?" I asked Miss Valka as she was showing me pictures.

Zephyr POV "This was her?" I asked Miss Valka as she was showing me pictures

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"Yes, she was just like you."
"I don't think so. She has blond hair and I have brown hair."
"True but both of you have the same smile, energy, and courage."
"Both of you girls made it so far. Now, how about you help me out around the business? Ready to see what we do around here?"
"Yeah!" I was excited. I learned that in places like this, the wine was made and I am not allowed to drink it until I am older. I am sure it tastes good because I noticed everyone was drinking some of it and enjoying it last night.
The day went by so fast and it was time to go back home. I said bye to everyone and the dogs and got on the truck.
While we were on our way, I had to ask her, "was mom and Mr. Hiccup friends?" She was quiet for a moment but I had to say why I asked, "mom has a picture of him with her and she was acting funny yesterday when he came."
"Oh, well, I can say that your mother was someone special to him, a very special friend. I think it's fair if she told you more." He is her son? Well, that explains the many similarities between them.
Looks like mom will have to explain everything herself then.

Astrid POV

After the day was over, I was exhausted but smiling. We all were and I have to admit, I was kind of glad the guys haven't changed as much, even the twins. When I got home I saw Zephyr on the porch playing with Stormfly.
"Hey honey, were you good with the Haddocks?"
"Yeah, the vineyard was beautiful. When can I drink wine?"
"When you are around 21."
"That'll take forever," she wined.
I gave a chuckle and we went inside. A few hours later everyone was coming home.


We were all getting ready for supper and I was helping out on the porch getting the serving table ready. I was talking to Moana and asked her about the school, I was planning on going tomorrow after work and hopefully, Zephyr can start the day after. Suddenly, Elsa appears and she seems a bit nervous. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah. I'm just going to take a little walk in the woods to the lake. I'll be back."

"Okay?" The lake, the same lake where we would go swimming and where we even planted flowers. I think they were milkweeds no, swamp milkweeds. Could they be still there?

"Olaf, sit. Now roll over. Good!"

"Malarie, did you do your schoolwork?"

"Yeah, I'm done." 

"Okay, you and Olaf need to go wash up, everyone will be here any minute." 


"And Malarie can you tell Zephyr the same thing?"

"Yes Miss Astrid. Come on Olaf."

When Malarie left, it was just me and Moana. Iduna was cooking something and Heather was on the phone with her family but I was still wondering about Elsa though. "Hey is Elsa okay?"

"Oh, she's fine. She does this on days like this on May 11th. Remember that's the day..."

"She and Jack became history." 'She never got over it?' I thought.  "She never really talked about what happened."

"No, Iduna is the only one who knows. I don't want to invade privacy but something tells me that no matter what happened, she still thinks about him. I can tell."

I was just left in thought. Both of us, along with Anna became really close as sisters. We were already friends before, but after mom died and I was left under Iduna's care, we became close, and even though the three of us had very little in common, that didn't stop us. I have every right to worry about her because besides being my best friend, she was my sister. The same thing goes for Heather and Moana. 

It was almost 6 and I went to get washed up. Zephyr was done and was with her new friend outside and they were doing puzzles. I was so happy that she loves it here and I will do everything I can to keep her that way; safe and happy.

??? POV

"You mean to tell me you don't know where they went?"

"Precisely, now if you would excuse me I have things to do." The lady said as she closed the door.

I cannot believe it, she left taking her with her. I will find them and will have that child with me. She will be sorry. I will do it for you son and we will succeed because she is our blood and she will be with me. That woman does not deserve her.

??? POV

I have to let them know that she is on the hunt for them. What was that number she called me with?



      So I know nothing about beekeeping but I always thought it was interesting. If you are curious like I am here is the website I used in order to write this chapter and be more accurate on how is it really done. 

      Like I said before, all of the pictures come from Pinterest so they all belong to their rightful owner. I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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