Reverse Magic

394 9 21

Stacy's POV

I'm standing at my locker, getting ready for my next class, when the music club comes up to me again. 

"We need to talk," Hailey says grimly. 

"Oh, um, okay." I follow them to the club room again, where they glare at me fiercely. 

This is starting to feel like a deja vu.

"What do you need?" I ask politely. They can't be on to me again, can they? I thought I fooled them.

"THIS is what we need," Milly answers. She pulls out her phone and shows me the screen.

After I watch the video, my eyes are wide with shock. Oh no. This is super bad. 

"You are the one that turned them into birds, aren't you?" Sean asks. 

My eyes dart between them. What can I do? It's not like I can deny it; they have proof.

I look down at the floor. "Yes," I confess in a small voice. "I'm sorry, it was an accident. I never would have done this on purpose." 

"Do you know how to turn them back?" Jake asks.

I nod. "Yes. I've been practicing, as you can see. I was planning on doing it tonight."

"Can you do it after school?" Hailey asks. 

"Sure," I reply, a bit nervously. 

"Good. Let's see. Our parents will be home already by the time we get there, and they'll probably ask a bunch of questions. How about we meet at Luke's house at 3:45? Is that okay with you, Luke?" She turns toward him and he nods.

"Okay," I agree.

I leave the music room, my mind whirling.

Okay, so. Apparently I'm doing this sooner than I thought, and with more people. I have a memory of Azul saying, "No humlings can know about magic," and I shiver. Well, it's kind of too late for that. I just have to hope that they'll keep the secret.

•    •    •

At my next class, I'm running through the spell in my head when Ms. Jones asks me a question.

"Um, could you repeat that please?" I ask sheepishly.

She sighs. "Oh, never mind. Drew? Do you know the answer?"

I glance at the person she asked. He has tyrian purple hair and deep brown eyes and looks about as interested as if someone had just asked him what two plus two was.

He's talking now, but I tune out his answer to study him more closely. He's wearing a black hoodie, dark grey pants and a watch on his wrist. His hair is neat, as if he wants others to notice how proper he looks. He looks intriguing. How come I've never noticed him before?

I cut off my train of thought and try to focus on the lesson.

•    •    •

In between the next classes, I hurry to my locker to grab the stuff I need. I try to balance my books for English while I walk, but I can't see very well over them. Around halfway to the classroom, I bump into someone and the books fly everywhere.

I sigh in exasperation and start picking them up until I see the person I bumped into.

"Oh, hey. Drew, right?" I ask casually.

"Yeah," he replies. There's something odd happening to his eyes, as if they're being glazed over.

"I'm Stacy." I balance the last book on top and smile at him.

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