🖤 Jealousy 🖤

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A/N: This is a requested oneshot where Whitty gets jealous!! Bc of ♥️stupid boy Keith 😔♥️ AND THANK YOU GUYS FOR 10K+ READS AAAAAA
also I'm sorry but the reader is a female here-- but you can put they/them or he/him instead of she/her!! I only put she/her because it's easier for me to write  ⭐⭐ also-- KEITH CAN SPEAK DJDJDNDN


You were currently in your house, on Discord.
You were in a voice chat with Pico, Keith and your boyfriend, Whitty.

You basically did your own things while chatting. Keith was playing some online game with Pico, Whitty was decorating his skateboard and you were browsing some memes that you had saved on your phone.

Eventually, you found one where a guy with his girlfriend looked behind him to see another girl (hdhdsjd idk what it's called) with some dumb caption, but decided to share it anyway.

Keith immediately went into flirt mode and compared the girlfriend to Cherry, the guy to himself, and the other girl to you. This was normal of Keith, it was how he joked around and everybody was always fine with it.

But little did anyone know, Whitty was now listening to the conversation intently.

"Seriously, you gotta let me tap that", Keith said, directing his words to you jokingly. "Mhm. Dream big", you countered, laughing.

Whitty could be heard 'Tsk-ing' on the other line, and Keith heard it completely fine. He wanted to check something out.

"All jokes aside, you're like, one of the cutest and purest thing in this world. You need to understand Cherry is top tier for me, but you're absolutely stunning", Keith continued piling you up with various compliments. "Keith, stop that!", you giggled, a bit flustered.

Whitty was now awfully quiet, but spoke up, "Yeah, my  baby is gorgeous, isn't she?", Keith was beginning to catch on, and by the looks of it, Pico was too.
Only Pico was smart enough to keep quiet and listen now; quite unusual, but it was very entertaining for him.

"I get it, I get it. You're her boyfriend. Won't you at least let me make her feel even more gorgeous than she already is?", Keith pushed forward, not letting go of this anytime soon.
Whitty was now gritting his teeth, holding the brush so tight in his hands that it could break at any second now.

"Of course", Whitty huffed out. He wasn't sure why he was feeling this way. Maybe it's the way you giggle at every one of his compliments?

"Yo Keith, you should watch yourself", Pico finally commented, taking in Whitty's tone.
Whitty completely abandoned his skateboard now, pretty much waiting for a fight to happen between Keith and him.

You stopped scrolling and awaited Keith's voice in silence, getting a little nervous. "Why should I? I mean, I don't want to be with her, I'm happy with Cherry. I would never think of touching her! Right, bab-"

"Don't call her that.", Whitty interrupted sternly. "Shit, here we go again", Pico said as he sighed, slouching on his seat. "Woah there, I'm only joking", Keith said cheekily, already knowing how Whitty would react. "Whitty, don't worry about him", you attempted to reassure him, but unfortunately, he was having none of it.

"Listen here and listen good", he began, "Whatever you think you're doing or going to do, forget it. I'll turn you into a fucking doormat if you even think about touching her", he spat the words out.

You heard Keith's laughter and Pico's "OOOOOOH's" in the background. Woah. You were really dumbfounded, you never thought Whitty could act this way.

"You can laugh, but I can assure you, it won't be that funny once you get in that kind of situation with me", he huffed, crossing his arms.

You guys chatted for about another hour, then called it a day. Later, you called Whitty.

The phone rang about 4 times, before he answered. "Hey baby", he answered. He never usually called you pet names, but you sure as hell didn't complain. "Hey, Whitts! Are you doing okay?", you greeted. "Hm? Uh, yeah I'm doing fine, why?", he laughed nervously. "That little outburst you had before?", you smiled. There was silence, before you heard a sigh followed by an explanation. "Look, I really didn't like how Keith talked to you (Y/n). I generally hated the way he spoke to you", you heard silence again, "I'm sorry", he finished his sayings, and heard another sigh come from him. "Whitty, you don't have to be sorry at all. I should've told him to stop. You know, Keith was only joking. He has a girlfriend, remember?", you paced around your room, like usual while holding your phone up to your ear.

"I know, I know", God, how he whished you were there with him now. But his duty was to take care of you and love you. "Baby, it's 10PM. You need to go to bed", he reminded you, smiling at the thought of you curled up in bed, sleeping. "How come you're calling me baby all of a sudden?", you questioned, grinning. "Don't change the subject", he laughed.

"We can talk about that tomorrow, seriously, go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow okay?", Whitty layed on his own bed, getting comfortable himself. "Okay okay, I will", you surrendered. "Promise?", he whispered. "Promise", you whispered back. "I love you, please don't forget that"
He didn't give you time to reply, as he hung up. That was the first 'I love you' in your relationship.

You were going to sleep well tonight.

⭐WHITTY HEADCANONS / ONESHOTS⭐Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum