Whitty with a ✨chonky✨ reader

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A/N: This was a request!! Hope you enjoy some of these headcanons uwu!!

- lovelovelovelove
- loves all of your curves, EVERY ONE OF THEM
- This boy's favorite thing in the world is a good ol' hug
- he doesn't care about body types, but dang he likes a thick slice of meat🔥
- not in a cannibalistic way-
- like, hugging a 'chunky' s/o would be his favorite part of the day, it's just so ✨soft✨
- you two would just be chillin' on the couch and he'd literally just pull you into a tight hug
- this man is so extra
- like, he'd pull you onto his lap woth your face burried in his hoodie and just suffocate you
- not intentionally
- if you are feeling insecure about your body or in ANY WAY.
- just be prepared.
- he won't let you go anywhere
- and I mean A N Y W H E R E
- until you KNOW just how pretty and cute you are
- and how much you mean to him
- and how much he loves you
- he'd tell you in a more joking way
"ew stop being so stupid you're so beautiful like come on"
- he understands what it's like being insecure, since he is quite insecure himself - because of his height
- so he'd do everything he can to get any bad thought out of your head
- he finds every curve unbelievably seggsy
- he'd also tell you that
- but in a different way
- he'd write some dumb shit on a piece of paper and hide it around your house for you to find
- some read: "hey sexy mama", "thicc" or "hey juicy baby"
- he got that last one from Ayesha Erotica's song 'Big Juicy'
- he'd probably spam you the lyrics through text
- you two will call eachother out through cartoons
- one time you watched a Pixar movie
- one of the moms was curve™
- "hey look that's you"
- you immediately started searching for a giraffe so you could compare it to him after that
- final say
- he'd love a chonky s/o
- please love him back and give him a daily dose of hugs
- and a smooch on the cheek
- qwq <3

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