End Of Summer Break

Start from the beginning

A older red headed boy stood in their door frame, his elbow perched against the wall and his other hand resting in his pocket. His face was littered with freckles and he was much older then then the twins. 

"CHARLIE," Kris had screamed from excitement. Charlie Weasley had attended Hogwarts when Kris was younger. He was a seeker and a bloody brilliant one at that. You could even argue that he was better than Harry. Kris ran to the boy and engulfed him in one of the biggest hugs she'd ever given. Charlie hugged her back, laughing from the excitement that she grew from seeing him. 

When Kris let go Charlie explained how he had been planning to visit from Romania and figured that the best week to do it was while Kris was here. A week at the Weasleys house went by quicker than ever. Charlie ended up going back to Romania but not before giving Kris a picture of a young Common Welsh Green that charlie had been taking care of back in Romania


Nearly two weeks had passed and Kris sat in her room with Ginny in 12 grimmauld place. When Kris heard the front door open she raced downstairs to find her brother being escorted by Mad Eye, Tonks, Kingsley, and a few select others. 

Kris ran to Harry and hugged him tight, checking every part of him to make sure he wasn't' scarred from the Dursleys or injured from the flight over. Kris rubbed her hand through Harry's head, messing up his already messy brown hair. 

She watched as Harry found Sirius and went upstairs, where she found the twins standing at the top of the stairs tying what appeared to be a ear to a piece of string. Kris didn't even bother asking and instead walked to Ginny, who had been relaxing in their shared room. 

As Kris arrived at her shared room she pointed to the twins on the stairs and gave the red headed girl a puzzled expression. "What are they doing out there?," Kris sat down on the bed next to ginny. "Their having an order meeting downstairs. Fred and George are trying to eavesdrop on them. When they send Harry up here me, Fred, George, Ron, and Hermione are going to try and see what their saying. Wanna join us?" 

Kris looked at Ginny wondering why they would want to listen in on the meeting but decided she would join them. After Harry made his way upstairs Kris, Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Hermione all crowded around the stairs listing to the adults conversation through the contraption Fred and George had made. 

Everyone had their ears to the what seemed up be rubber ear. Kris was trying to make out what they were saying when she heard her father's name. The mention of her father made her stomach drop. The mischievous smile on her face quickly faded into a scared expression. 

With the change in her posture she felt a strong hand grasp her own. She looked to her side to see a generously smiling Fred Weasley. Fred had given Kris a sympathetic look as if to say that she has nothing to worry about. 

She looked back down towards the ear that was dangling above the floor. Suddenly everyone else started groaning. Hermione's cat Crookshanks was clawing at the dangling ear. 

"Crookshanks. Crookshanks no!" hermione whispered 

The cat grabbed the ear with his claws and began to devour it. Everyone looked at Hermione with a frustrated look. "Sorry," she whispered, giving everyone an apologetic look. After the passing of a couple minutes the order had finished their meeting. Molly soon called everyone down for dinner.  

Kris ran down the stairs and was greeted by a Molly Weasley hitting her ginger haired twin sons. Fred approached Kris before making his way into the kitchen. "Hey," he whispered nudging Kris lightly. 

"Can i help you Mr. Weasley"

"Yes indeed you can" 

"How how exactly can i help you?"

Fred smirked at the girl before him. "Like this" he whispered into her ear. Fred grabbed the girls wrist and dragged her into the kitchen. He then picked her up and put her on George's back. George began to run around the house screaming nonsense words, while carrying Kris on his back. 

Kris screamed and hollered as she was carried around the house. Kris tried slapping the ginger twin hoping that he would get tired and drop her. She realized that her method didn't work. She was only able to get down when Mrs. Weasley showed up and began hitting the twins, for what seemed like the 100th time that day.

The twins had finally dropped Kris and the 3 made their way into the kitchen. Kris hadn't been very interested in the conversation until she heard Harry say he wanted to join the order. 

Kris looked at Harry. And as if she was on the same branlink as Mrs. Weasley, the two both said no at the exact same moment. Sirius began to speak saying that if Harry wanted to join the order then he should join. 

"Sirius look. I love you and all but Harry isn't joining the order" Kris stated firmly. "What would happen if he got hurt hmm? What would happen then?" Kris had panic and fear in her voice. 

Fred grabbed her hand from under the table. He began rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of her hand. Kris took a deep breath and begin to relax. 

"He'll be fine! He has me to protect him. He has his friends. And there's Remus, Molly, Arthur, the whole order! He'll be fine. You don't need to worry, although i understand your concern". Sirius looked at Kris. She wanted to believe that it was safe, that Harry could join the order and help fight when the time came. But she was nervous. Harry had a knack for finding trouble so to Kris, putting him in said trouble wasn't exactly the best idea. 

Harry looked at Kris from across the table, giving her a reassuring look. Kris took a deep breath and gripped Fred's hand back from under the table. She figured that it was best not to argue with Sirius. 

"Fine," she sighed. She looked at Harry then back to Sirius. After that there was little to none talk for the rest of dinner. Kris's mind was filled with thoughts all through dinner. But that wasn't the only thing that remained through the whole dinner. 

Fred's leg had been intertwined with Kris's all throughout dinner. Somewhat easing Kris's horrid thoughts.

That night when Kris laid in her bed next to Ginny and Hermione's, her mind was filled with horrid thoughts, the same thoughts from dinner. "Was he really back?" she thought to herself. Kris trusted Harry. She knew he wouldn't lie, especially not about something as serious as the Dark Lord returning. And there was no other explanation for Cedric's death. 

"I mean, sure it was a dangerous tournament and a dangerous task but that couldn't have been what killed Cedric," she thought. "Right?"

Kris had been pretty close with Cedric. They had been friends since second year. They had been partnered in Herbology and became close friends. Kris knew that Harry had grown somewhat close to Cedric. Her and the twins even joked about Harry having a little crush on the handsome Hufflepuff. 

Kris drifted off to sleep. Her horrid thoughts being replaced by her memories of Cedric. Kris just hoped that You-Know-Who wasn't back. That it was all just a big misunderstanding and some terrible object in the maze had killed Cedric. 

Kris wasn't one for optimism, in fact she was a realest, expect for when it came to pranks. But the way she hoped for this all to be a misunderstanding, for this all to be a bad dream, would make you think she had been an optimist her whole life. 

A/N- I'm sorry if the story doesn't exactly follow the timeline. I honestly kinda like this chapter and i hope you guys do to! I tried my best to keep things on the timeline and put them in the exact order they happened, but somethings i wrote then remembered and i didn't want to have to rewrite the chapter

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