"It?" Duke questioned. "Its a fucking child, not a it." He corrected.

"Right. The child, have hair, while the facially features are forming." She now corrected her self.

"The childs, bum.." She left it there for a while before moving. "The child feet.." She said, as she just went over the my bump, skipping over the sex (Or you can say the baby private area). "Blood test?" She asked.

"Yes." Duke spoke for me, She grabbed a few wet paper towels. "I got it, you can get the stuff for the blood test." Duke suggested,She smiled slighlty and left.

"She's annoyed with me?" I said, but it sounded like a question.

"Of course she is. Your a smart mouth always gotta say something unneeded." He chuckled, removing the gel.

"Well damn, Im so not sorry." I said fixing my cloths. "That Nurse is going to hate me as soon as she tries to stick a needle in my arm..

"How many?!" Jordan exclaimed as we walked in.

"5 including me." Duke nodded, "They didn't even want alot of blood, they barely wanted any and she made a hug as fit about it."

I walked in smiling, "Is there something wrong?" I asked, Duke walked towards the stairs. "Dukeyy remeber your promise" I said going after him.

He entered his room, and I followed. "Alright go ahead.." Duke said.

"What do you look for in a girl?" I asked, slightly weird, but I want an answer.

"I mean like, you? Your really the definition of the girl I want in my life.." He answered.

I rested my head on his shoulder. "Including my troubles? And my child?" I asked.

"Yep, cause I like you for who you are, Davis." Duke chuckled.

"What was your first impression of me?" I asked.

"Even though it was only one question, I'll answer. My first impression of you on your birthday, lying in the grass with Ayra and Jordan lying on your shoulders?" He chuckled. "I mean it was quite a view, I mean you beautiful, your hair, face, arms and legs.." He said. "Its was good until Marcus glared at me, for checking you out." Duke chuckled. "What about you? Your first impression of me?"

"Seeing you holding a gift bag and starbucks? I mean yea, you was hot but didn't try to think much of it as I saw Marcus glaring. But yea, I just felt some type of connection." I shurrged. "What is something weird you find attractive?" I asked.

"You. I mean your so fucking weird no offense." Duke admitted. I scoffed. "You?"

"People the dress cosplay as a Movie charater, Like you dressing up as Willy wonka. Low-key attractive.." I said.

We started asked each other questions.

(interruption Im watch Ginny & Georgia on nexflix and Season 1 espisode 5 literally had me to the ending of it..I saw it coming but still shook, the boy is only 9! adnd he- Ughhh Lmafo Im so proud, I love him so much!!)

Me and Duke was both laughing, laying on the bed, as the door open. "What is the problem?" Ayra asked as she stared at the both of us, making us laugh hard. Duke phone started ringing.

"Answer, Jane. I need food!" Duke said, as we took breathes, he got up and went walked down stairs.

I picked up the phone as the name read Brena. "Helloo" I said into the phone, I seen brena show up in a few of Duke tiktoks, as his Step-sister.

"Hello, and you are?" Brena asked.

"Jane." I answered.

"Jane Davis!" She squealed into the phone.

"The one and only, Brena!" I chuckled. We both talked for a while.

"When can duke get us a flight?" She asked.

"How many people are planning to come?" I asked, my head leaning against Duke headboard.

"Me, Kaestle, and Stef." She said.

"Hmhm, I can send them, I give text you my number" I said bringing out the r, as I went on the messages, sending her my number. "There, text me Kaestle and Stef number, then I can send the ticket info to Stef. And you guys and suprise Duke!" I said.

"When?" Brena asked.

"Lets say 3 or 4 days?" I said.

"Right, Thanks Jane! Cya soon!" She exclaimed.

"Bye Bre" I said.

"Byee" She replied as she hung up.

Duke came upstairs shortly after, "You took your time." I said.

"Its was Brena, she will go on, and on about random things." Duke shurgged. "What was she asking?"

"I don't know what she called for, since she noticed I answered she went on a mini rant, before I text her my number." I said, Duke nodded.

"Who is buying lunch!?" Ayra yelled.

"I'll offer, since I wont have to buy any other time this week!" Benjamin said. Yea, we take turns buying stuff.

We all got up and ready before leaving.


A/N - I think Ginny & Georgia maybe better than insatiable (Which been my favorite, beside Riverdale)

I had this chapter before but I saw that Duke was live so yea..Also I cant post on twitter or tiktok becuase my mother took my phone and I don't know my passwords to my account, but instagram im logged in but cant post..So Im just using a random acc I made on my laptop to watch Duke lives..

Anyways Chapter 31, 1.4k words

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