Mysterious Voice

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a/n: this chapter is almost all dialogue so sorry abt that.

✨recap thingy✨

"Chemical digestion is a digestion process that uses enzymes and chemicals to break down food, while mechanical digestion is the use of physical forceful help break down food." a mysterious voice answers.



"Don't worry. I won't hurt you, Bob."

"I- uh- how do you know my first name?"

"I know everything about you, Bob."

"Really? How do you know Bamboo Brain?"

"I'm his mom."



"Ok. Well can I be honest with you?"

"Of course, Bob."

"I'm a little scared to go through the digestive system..."

"Oh, that's ok. It's completely normal to be afraid," Bamboo Brain's mom assures, "It's actually quite fun!"

"Ok... If you say so..."

a/n: this chapter was a little short haha but whatever. remember to comment and vote :))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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