"Well you should make the most of your time then. The yearly fair is this weekend you should come."

"I don't know I rather stay in."

"You still don't like going out? Thought you would've grew out of that."

"Hey! At least I'm not stupid."

"I'm very smart actually."


"So your really not going to come?"

"No, I rather spend time with my grandmother. She hasn't seen me in so long."

"Yea I guess, I'll see you tomorrow! I'm coming to cut the grass."

"I'll see you Connie."

You let out an audible sigh and scratched the back of your head.

"He's a keeper isn't he?"

"What?" you said turning to look at your grandmother.

"He's too good for the eyes."

"What do you mean."

"I mean he's hot." she said nudging you.

"Hey! That's a bit much for you, don't you think?"

"I think you should go for it."

"Go for it? Wha...I'm not into Connie!"

"Mhmm. I can see it. Your babies would be cute."


"Yes I want grandchildren. Connie's a nice boy and the two of you are friends."

"I'll pass."


"I'm serious, besides, I just got out of a relationship I don't need a whole new one."

"I'm sure you'll change your mind. It's going to be a long three months."

"Let's go inside, I'll help you with dinner." you said as you laughed. 

You cooked and ate in your grandmother's presence. Yes, it was pretty boring, but you couldn't help but feel slightly at ease. She was so simple and soothing. This whole town was simple and soothing, you had forgotten how bored you got here as a kid.

Once your grandmother had fell asleep you mad your way to your room and opened your laptop. You did some online shopping and watched a few episodes of a tv series when you were interrupted by a slight thudding noise.

"What is that?"

Another small thud came, and you looked over to your window. A small pebble was tossed up bouncing off creating the noises. You made your way over tho the window to investigative when another pebble nearly hit you in the face.

"What the hell?"

"Y/n! Down here."


"I came to take you to the fair anyway. I know you're bored."

"You came all the way here?"


"I don't know...if I leave at this hour, and she wakes up and I'm gone-"

"Trust me she's not waking up, come on!"

"I can't go through the front, she'll hear."

"Then jump."


"Just do it. Or are you scared?"

"You know what, I am scared."

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