How you two meet!

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You met at the school library! You were assigned to work on an English project together and then started hanging out more after that when you started listening to christine read monologues for class


you saw her sitting alone at lunch and asked her if she was okay. She started laughing at first but realized you were serious and went on a rant about how Chloe and Brooke were ignoring her again. You started spending lunch with her and letting her vent to you


You saw her crying during Halloween and asked if she was okay and she told you about what happened and you guys went out to pinkberry but if not idk how long pinkberry is open for but maybe went on a walk instead and you tried cheering her up


She saw Chloe messing with you and intervened, defending you


She was tutoring you for algebra class because of those student tutoring another student things


not the first time you talked to her but you saw her at a park and waved. she waved back

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