It was after that night that I finally understood why Dream had did what he did to me. I understood why he cut my hair, said I was a mute, and told people I was a boy. He was protecting me.

It made me angry but if it hadn't been for him then who knows what would've happened to me? I promised myself that I wouldn't let him help me again. I could do this on my own.

Working in the infirmary was similar to my time with Phil. I had only recently been given part of my freedom back when it was rudely taken from me a second time. Still, working with Autumn helped.

She was a great storyteller. She told me all kinds of stories her family had passed down for generations. These stories, which she had in a journal her great great great grandmother had written in, were all about the world before the war.

She explained about future technology like underground trains and speed trains. She talked about how there were people all over the planet and in most places people biked or walked to places. What astounded me most was that some people were given licenses to drive a large vehicle at sixteen years old.

I swallowed the stories with great interest while she and I helped and watched over the injured patients. She seemed to be on the same page as me when I tried to ask her a question. Half the time she guessed what I was saying and was ninety percent right most of the time.

Most of the patients, which were primarily fighters from the dog fights, had bruises, loose teeth, bleeding lips and cheeks, and a few had broken limbs.

Dream had yet to be brought into the infirmary.

I had yet to see one of the dog fights. I was always with Autumn watching over the patients from the night before. I could imagine the howling laughter and yelling from the men and women above the ring. I could imagine the two fighters not wanting anything to do with each other but being forced to hurt or kill the other.

I knew Dream was a decent fighter without his magic. The memory made my blood boil and fingers curl. Even so, it meant I didn't have to worry. I was obligated to take him back to his city since going back without him might make the people think I killed or ditched him.

They wouldn't be wrong.

"So," Autumn started. She and I were sitting in the infirmary watching over the sleeping patients. "How did you and your friend meet?"

I made a motion with my fingers from small to big.


I tried again with my hand showing different heights.

"Grew up?"

I nodded.

"Oh! Okay. So you guys grew up together. Are you friends or siblings? Or more?"

I held up one finger for her first option. I tried not to shiver at the horrid thought of me and Dream being together romantically.

"Are you guys like best friends?"

I shrugged.

"Did you live in a place like this or kinda on your own?"

I held up one finger. She was silent for a long while.

"Were you always...did...have you always been unable to talk?"

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