Chapter 9 - PAIN

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A month is going to be over. Off decided to introduce his friends- Arm and Tay to Gun while Gun is willing to introduce New to them.

Off, Gun and New arrived at the restaurant first. They got a room for them.

Knowing that New is not a threat, Off is happy to meet New. He chatted with New, wanting to know more about Gun.

"So how did you meet with Gun?" Off curiously asked.

"We have known each other since we are kids. We study together and after we graduated, we work together. Gun is adorable since he was young. I will show some photos to you later." New laughed.

"Hey. I didn't say you can send my photos to him." Gun protested.

"I will give my number to you. Please make sure to send the photos to me." Off winked, being eager to see those cute baby Gun.

Off and New exchanged their contacts while Gun was sulking near them.

"So, he is getting New's number now. He was interested in New earlier. What if he gets close to me and stays on my good side only to know more about New." Gun was overthinking.

"Tay and Arm have arrived. I am going out to fetch them. Order what you like to eat." Off told them before he left the room.

When Off returned with Arm and Tay excitedly, Off walked at the front. He accidentally heard the conversation between New and Gun.

"You never tell me why you want this marriage though."

"Well. This marriage is beneficial to our company. Besides, I don't want to disappoint my father."

"Nothing more? You don't love him? You just plan to make him fell in your trap so that you won't disappoint your dad?"

"Yes, I don't love him," Gun answered firmly.

Off ran away immediately, texting Gun three of them have an emergency to attend to. Arm and Tay, who didn't notice what happened, chased Off.

"Hey! What's wrong? I thought you want to introduce Gun and his friend to us. Why did you run away suddenly?" Tay was confused, asking Off.

Off's tears rolled down uncontrollably. Both Arm and Tay panicked. They never see Off in this state. Not when Off's parents forced Off to study business when he actually wants to study communication arts. He tried to protest to the last moment. Not when his parents criticized him for being a model instead of helping the family's business.

"I thought he fell for me already. He kissed me! But I found that all of these are fake. All my effort to melt his heart is in vain. He never loves me. He only pretended to love me so that I will accept this arranged marriage. He knew that I want to be in love with my lifelong partner, so he created an illusion for me." Off was crying, feeling heartbroken.

"Then, what do you think? You have to give the answer to Gun tomorrow. Will you accept this marriage?" Tay worriedly asked.

"If that's what he wants. If that's what makes him feel happy. Why not? At least this marriage still has one-sided love inside." Off laughed at himself sadly.

"Peng, you don't need to hurt yourself." Tay softly said.

"As long as he is happy, I am fine." Off whispered.

Arm and Tay comforted him, deciding to get drunk with Off.

They were drinking and sleeping in Arm's bar the whole night.

What really happened inside the room

"You never tell me why you want this marriage though."

"Well. This marriage is beneficial to our company. Besides, I don't want to disappoint my father."

"Nothing more? You don't love him? You just plan to make him fell in your trap so that you won't disappoint your dad?"

"Yes, I don't love him," Gun answered firmly.

"Really?" New smirked.

"At first. That's all your advice's fault. It has a side effect on me. Whenever Off gets close to me, my heart starts to beat fast now. I don't even know when it started." Gun whined.

"What if he still refuses to accept the marriage? I don't want to let him go anymore." Gun pouted.

"Didn't he fall for you already? I can see the pink bubble around both of you and the sparkles in your eyes. Why will he reject you?" New laughed.

"Even he like me. But he may not love me enough to get married to me. Besides, he never tells me that he likes me." Gun said in a low voice. "And I can see that he is interested in you."

Gun can smell the alcohol when he opened the door for Off.

"What happened? Didn't you say you have an emergency? Why did you drink so many?" Gun was concerned about Off.

"I will accept this arranged marriage with one condition." Off coldly spoke.

Gun was confused why Off was acting cold now. "So, he really wants something from me." Gun thought.

"What condition?" Gun asked, feeling sad.

"We will get married and act like a couple in the public. However, both of us cannot intervene in each other's personal life. You can date whoever you like, and I can be with anyone I want. We just need to keep it low and not be caught by the media. If one of us decides to get divorced so that we can marry our lover, another one cannot object and need to file a divorce immediately. The most important thing is that even we get divorced, our business will not be affected." Off hid his hurt, trying to look unaffected.

"So that even you find your love in the future, you don't need to worry about the company." Off spoke in his mind.

"So, he really likes someone else. Does he like New? He must be forced by his parents last night. That's why he drank so much. Do I still have a chance?" Gun thought in melancholy.

"If that's what you want. I accept this condition. We can tell our parents together and plan our wedding." Gun smiled, acting strong. His heart broke into pieces already.

"Just do whatever you like. I will move back to my place today. Don't worry I will rent the apartment next to you. We can pretend we live together." Off told Gun.

"Maybe you can just live here. It's fine if you don't want to live here too." Gun weakly spoke.

"I have already get used to your presence. Can you not leave me? Or you just need space for your future lover?" Gun begged in his mind. His eyes were red already. He looked away from Off.

"OK. I will return to this house after we get married." Off accepted.

"At least I can still sleep beside you every day. Just give me some time to cool down before I chase you again. I won't stop trying until you tell me you are in love with another person." Off thought.

On that day, both of them met their parents together and announced that they will get married two weeks later, which is definitely feasible as they are rich, with broken hearts.

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