[ glasswork ]

225 2 0

- mlm
- cleaning
- wakasa is part fish tho
- so it's weird but not in that way lmao


Light hit the pristine, white tiles and iridescent scales like glasswork. Tatsumi sat in silence while the sun delicately highlighted the blond's features.

Eyes tricking down to his waist, the black haired boy reaches down to grab his weapon of choice and grabs the other's hip gently.

Pushing the sponge against his scales, Wakasa squirms and wriggles under the firm touch.

"Can you stop moving?" The noirette deadpans. Having to deal with his childlike "roommate" has made the already impassive boy a new definition of the word.

Taking that to heart, the blond attempts to sit still, eyes squeezed shut and his nose scrunching in discomfort.

"Thank you," finally allowed to do what he needs to, the younger of the two begins cleaning the former

A few minutes later, the upper section of the sea creature's tail had been cleaned and pampered, only the fins remained untouched.

Dabbing the sponge in the soapy water yet again, Tatsumi begins to gently bathe the thin appendages.

Earning small grunts and huffs of what can only be assumed as impatience, the noriette finishes bathing his friend and places the sponge in the water, yet again, to dry his hands.

"All done. You're welcome," Standing up again, ignoring the clicks of his knees, the black haired male begins to leave the room.

"Ahh thank you, 'Sumi!!" His positive aura returning, Wakasa flicks his tail against the surface of the water. The merman still failing to notice the younger boy's faint blush.


This is 110% not my best work- BUT this pairing and show in general brings me so much comfort, so imma let it slide until I reread it for editing :] hope you enjoyed, this was lowkey a request? I believe?? Anyways, I hope y'all have a great day!

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