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It had been a few weeks since the whole Mercedes thing and Blaine hadn't heard anything from Sam . He had tried texting and calling him but it would just go to voice mail . Blaine was extremely concerned for his best friend since they would usually talk about everything with each other . " I guess she really did hurt him " He thought to himself .

It was a Monday afternoon  and Blaine was rummaging through his locker for his chemistry book which he thought he had left at home but he found it wedged between his art book . He combed his hair in the mirror of his locker door and pushed it shut . He jumped when he saw Sam standing the other side of it . " hey " he said and looked into Blaines honey pot eyes . " Sam- are you ok ? I haven't heard anything from you .."  " yeah uh I'm sorry about that man I've just been really down lately and I missed you ." Sam slung his arm around Blaine and they walked down the hall way . He scruffled up his hair and laughed . " hey ! I just combed that you idiot !" He went red . The blonde was laughing hysterically and had to bend over to stop himself from collapsing on the floor in laughter . " Blaine is so cute when he's angry " Sam thought " wait what.. why did it just think that ?" Blaine snapped his fingers in his face and caught him out of his trance . " are you ok ??" He asked . " yeah .. um yeah I'm fine " he blushed . " now come on we're gonna be late to glee club .  They strolled into the choir room and Sam avoided eye contact with Mercedes . They had both come to an agreement to be friends because they got on so well but things were still kinda fresh between them .

Sam sat at the back of the choir room while Blaine took a seat next to Tina who hugged him and giggled . " Santana was  making out in the corner of the room with Brittany  and Quinn was admiring her glossy nails .
Mr Shue walked into the choir room and dropped a bundle of sheet music on the piano . " right ! Hello glee club . Now we all know that regionals is right around the corner and we don't have half our set list yet . So , I need you all to pick a partner out of this hat of names and get working on what you think a great song for regionals will be !
" but Mr shue I think it would he better if we picked out partners ." Rachel suggested in a smug tone . " no no Rachel it would be best to do it my way as I am the teacher ." He raised an eyebrow .  " alright first up ..... Tina !" She made her way up to the front . She closed her eyes and picked up one of the slips of paper .  "I got .... " she unravelled the paper " Blaine !" She shreaked and Sam rolled his eyes .  He wanted to get Blaine . They would be perfect .  "Alright Sam come to the front "  Sam reached into the hat " Ok I got .... Asian number 2 . Um who wrote that ..." Mike laughed and shrugged it off . Sam gave him a hug and a hip bump .

After everyone had gotten their pic the bell rang and they all exploded out the choir room except Sam who grabbed onto Tinas arm . " Sam- what are you -". " Tina listen , can I talk to you ?"  He pleaded
" um sure I guess but you have to walk me to my car " she said " you see I kinda need to get going " Sam nodded and smiled .  They both walked out the Choir room started talking . " so what did you need to talk to me about?" she asked .  " listen .. I need to have Blaine as my partner ." " Sam , I want to go with Blaine to !" She frowned
" no you don't understand I NEED this "
She scowled at him .
" plus I have Mike Chang and last time I checked you have some pretty serious chemistry going on ." He nudged her shoulder and winked making her laugh .
" ok ok ok fine you can have Blaine but why do you want him so bad ?"
Sam had gone all red and flustered . " OH MY GOD SAM YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM DON'T  YOU !" She exclaimed .
"Shhhh Tina stop shouting ."
" omg you and Blaine are in looove,you and Blaine are in loveeee" she sang in a childish manner .
" I don't love Blaine ....."  Sam scratched the back of his neck in guilt .
She stopped walking and held his hands " listen , you don't have to be embarrassed . I knew this would happen you are so perfect for each other ." she pulled Sam in for a hug and he smiled .
" thanks Tina I owe you one ." He pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time . "Shit "  " Tina I've gotta go get my bus I'll see you tomorrow AND THANKS AGAIN ." He was running backwards down the hallway and blowed a kiss to Tina .

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