Still in Africa

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The gain are waving back to the penguins who are about to take off the plane.

Skipper: Okay, wind her up, boys. It's Monte Carlo or bust. Struts.

Kowalski: Check.

Skipper: Flaps.

Kowalski: Check.

Skipper: Diamonds and gold.

Mason and Phil are going too and Phil is biting some gold.

Kowalski: Check.

Skipper: We'll be back from our gambling spree in a couple weeks.

Marty: Bye!

Gloria: Bye!

Lexis: See you!

Skipper: Or whenever the gold runs out.

Marty: Buh-bye!

Lexis: Bye!

Melman: Good-bye.

Alex: All right! We'll be waiting for ya!

Skipper: Just kidding! We're never coming back!

Alex: Sorry! What was that?

Skipper: Initiate warp drive.

They speed away and now the environment looks old and dried up.

Alex: Did they say they were never coming back?(looks around me sees no one around) Guys? (He looks around and sees Marty on the treadmill but he looks old) Marty?

Marty: Oh goody, your here!

Alex: Agh!

Marty: (gives Alex old grass in his mouth) Why don't you chew on this? I'm hungry. Nom, nom nom nom....

Alex: (he slowly goes backwards falling down) Ah! Woah! (He lands on Melman's leg and she looks old)

Melman: Oww.... I'm just messing with you. I lost all feeling in this thing years ago. Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh...(falls asleep)

Alex: Melman? Why do you look like that? (A cane (idk what it called 😖) hits Alex's hand) Oh!(he sees it's Gloria and see looks old)

Gloria: Ooh. Look who's talking. (Lexis comes out and she looks old)

Lexis: There you are brother I've just finished knitting my 24th blanket and I need someone to see if it won't tear apart.

Alex: Gloria? Lexis? Why are you guys so... elderly?

Lexis: Now, you need to get your eyes checked.

Gloria: Now, when was the last time you looked in the mirror?

Alex: What? (He looks in the mirror and sees he looks old) No!

The old him starts to shake him. But once he opens his eyes he sees it was all a dream.

Marty: Wake up! Wake up, Ally-Al! Wake up!

Lexis: Brother it's ok it's just us.

Alex: Marty! Lexis! It was horrible.

Marty: That same nightmare again, huh?

Lexis: You talking about the one we're we are all old and I knit now?

Alex: Yes! We were stuck here in Africa, and we were all super-old and wrinkly and... Well, I aged well, but the rest of you looked terrible!

Lexis: It's okay Alex it was just a dream but I do think you would age well and hopefully I do too. But that's beside the point.

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