' My roommate? '

"And here we are!!!"

Hanji said as she slammed open the door, revealing a room with auras around, mostly it came from the materials on the table.

' A titan remains? '

"ohh!!! do you want to know that too!!??!"

"Yes, they are interesting "

' The fact that they have mana on them is surprising enough '

The assistant named Moblit is locked outside, surrendering he head down to fetch the food for Hanji and Y/n

"Are you interested in titans?!!!"

"Yes? I mean titan remains are supposed to dissolve"

Y/n said as she checked the item around, then Hanji came and pushed Y/n to the bed and grabbed her journal, Hanji then began to read their discoveries and adventure outside the walls.

' Some information are useful but the other are useless but still....... its amazing that she wrote it all, detailed to add it, with cute drawings of titan '

Y/n brush Hanji's hair as Hanji explain the titan parts, a knock interrupt them.

"Hanji-san... I think its your assistant"

"Ohh!!? Moblit got our food!! coming!!"

Hanji said as she jumped out of the bed and opened and paled, smile twitching as the door slammed open, Hanji got hit and quickly got up and grabbed her journal.

Captain Levi enter as he forcefully grabbed Hanji's journal and looked at Y/n then he looked at Hanji.

"Tch, Dinner is already down stairs, If you dont want to eat dont involve others who need to eat"

Levi said and looked at Y/n one last time and turn to Moblit, 

"Get out of the way brat"

Levi said as Moblit saluted and got out of the way.

"Waaa!!!! so unfair!!!! come on y/n!!!"

Hanji said and pulled y/n but instead, Hanji got pulled by y/n.


y/n went to the infirmary and force Hanji to sit down.


"Dont move"

Y/n said as she got a towel and ointment, infusing her healing mana inside, she carefully dab it to the wound where the door hit her cheek,

"Waaa!!! its cold!"

Hanji said y/n smile and carefully add some mana to not completely heal her.

' Its it cold, but no one complained '

Y/n thought as closed the ointment and put it away, Hanji smiled and spoke.

"You should smile more!! it fits you!!"

Hanji said out of blue, Y/n blush by the genuine compliment, Levi barge in and motion for some cadets, the cadets circled Hanji as Y/n back up and hit someones chest and held her shoulders, she looked behind to see Erwin who wears a serious expression.

"Dont worry it happens often"

Erwin spoke as y/n was pulled away from him by Hanji, who was being carried and one hand manage to caught y/ns arms.

"Noo!!! Come with me y/n!!! help!! dont leave me!!"

Hanji said as the cadets stopped and tried to get her hands off Y/n, 

' Is this really survey corps? ' 

Hanji didn't let go and dragged Hanji to the mess hall with y/n in toll, Hanji is talking like she wasn't being carried, saying some embarrassing stuffs about the cadets that made Y/n laugh a little.

Like when one cadet train with the odm gear they got tangled with each other, Like that time when she hid levi's tea and all of the cadets was involve and other embarrassing stuff that even the cadet who was carrying her laugh and some blush out of embarrassment.

As they were finally near, Noises were heard, as they pushed the door open no one noticed, Eren and jean is fighting.

' Eren is fighting with the ash-brown haired guy...... '

' When did Eren knew how to fight ' 

The fight continue with a displeased Erwin and Levi, Between their fight Erens eyes landed on y/n when he got punch.

Jean and everyone noticed Eren stopped fighting and looked at the door only to froze as they saw the commander and other higher up people, they immediately stood up ad saluted, 

Erens eyes were on y/n the whole time, Y/n sigh and shook her head as she pushed up her glasses.

Eren then felt embarrassed and sad then angry.....


Not edited 

Red! Lily! 

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