4: New Plan

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The three of them made their way across the plains and through an oak forest before they finally arrived at Beacon Town. The sun had set only moments before, and they were ready to make their way without incident.

It's buildings and surrounding areas were completely covered in debris and holes. Jesse noted how they looked like they were from explosions. He looked ahead and froze.

Petra and Lukas were right behind him, and when they saw what Jesse saw, they stopped in their tracks as well.

The center of town was nonexistent. A large black crater replaced the large buildings that people once lived in.

Jesse thought about his home and his citizens. What was he supposed to do now?
He needed to find his friends. Axel and Olivia could be in trouble or at least, just as lost as he was. And what about Radar? Jack and Nurm? Would they be alright?

Jesse straightened himself, trying to focus. He wiped away the tears which he didn't notice were forming in his eyes. He turned to Petra and Lukas, "We have to leave.."

Lukas shook his head slightly. "No," He pointed towards the ruins, "We got to at least see if there's still anyone here."

"I don't know," Petra looked back out at the ruins, "It looks pretty empty to me.." She held her sword loosely.

Lukas ignored her statement and began moving towards the remains of the old beacon. The beacons themselves were gone, no light came from the holes that remained.

He climbed on a few blocks and propped himself up to get a better view of everything. He noticed a strange glow up in one of the tall jungle trees. It didn't look like any light he had seen before. It was an orange hue, flickering like a fire. But he couldn't spot any actual flames against the night sky.

Jesse and Petra decided to follow Lukas. He led them up the tree and on top of it's leaves. At the top was - A blaze!

Lukas was hit with a fireball, which knocked him off his feet and he fumbled backwards. His foot slipped and he almost fell off. Jesse grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up while Petra used Mrs. Butter to knock back the flames.

Petra stopped for a moment at the sight of the "blaze" and saw that it was actually a person. They where in a fetal position, with their legs up against their chin. Were they crying?

The fire from the rods surrounding them covered their face, but she make out a familiar leather jacket.

She frowned and called out who she believed to be, "Aiden!" She yelled at him hitting another fireball away from herself, "Cut it out - We aren't here to fight." She ended on a meaner tone then intended. But it was hard not to because it was him.

The last time she saw him was when he went crazy and tried to kill innocent people. Why was he back in their world, anyway?

The flames dissipated, and Aiden turned to the group. His face and hands were covered in bruises and slashes. Had he been fighting?

Jesse stepped forward and asked, "Where is everyone? And what happened to Beacon Town?" He crossed his arms. "Now that I think about it, how did you even get back here?"

Aiden didn't say anything for a bit. He shook his head and stood up straighter. "I.. I don't know?" Jesse was a little suspicious that he couldn't see where Aiden's friends were.

Lukas asked before he could; "Where's Maya and Gill?" Aiden's eyes widened, and then he looked at the ground. He didn't make a sound, but he held his hand up to his ears as if he were about to scream.

Jesse held his sword in a less threatening, lower position. He asked, "Are you alright?"

Next chapter is gonna be INTENSE stay tuned I will post sometime between now and May!! (Also happy St. Patrick's Day!)
Anyway tysm remember to take a nice shower tonight ily buh bye!! <3

When I edited this::
No more chapters sorryyyyy

Edit 2:
Wish I was jared, 19

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