"Oh I know." Sam says as she takes another sip. "So, what do you plan on doing when we go back to school?"

"Well first off I'm dropping those three. Bunch of cunts." Jessi says as she also takes another sip from her cup. "I'm gonna be friendlier, nicer. I want to turn my reputation around. Especially since I'm gonna be hanging around one more year, then hopefully college."

"Alright, that's a bit far off at the moment." Sam says to her.

"You're right, sorry. Live in the moment, eh?"

"Yeah." They both take another sip, before checking their phones at the same time, nothing important, just a few notifications and stuff. "Well, we did agree to live in the moment, but you got any plans for summer?" Sam asks her.

"Well, not at the moment no. You?"

"Don't know. I don't plan on flying across the country or living in a cabin for a month. As far as I know anyway, don't know if my Mom has any surprises for me."

"Could say the same thing about my Dad. Might have something he isn't telling me about." They both laugh at their equal predicament. They then spend an hour talking about various things. When Sam says something about the comic Jessi was reading, Jessi confesses she's been somewhat of a closet nerd, she asks Sam if she'd be willing to help with that.

"Sure. You've got no other choice really though, I'm like the only nerd you really now."

"Oh I don't doubt that."

"*mocking gasp* Are you insinuating something?" Sam says with a mocking tone and expression. Although Jessi doesn't quite pick up on it.

"I didn't mean to-"

"Oh relax, I'm just teasing. Come on, I did my most obvious mocking voice and expression, how could you not pick up on that?"

"Well, I know we've been talking a lot lately, and I'll admit, you're the person I've talked the most at length with, about anything since Sarah."

"I gotta ask, was Sarah a nerd?"

"Heh... no she wasn't. She was more of a tough type, being active. She wasn't into anything that was considered nerdy."

"Hey, everybody is a nerd for something."

"You got a point there." Jessi takes a sip to that. She can feel that it's starting to cool off, they've been talking awhile, letting it sit mostly. Jessi tells Sam this, who takes a sip of her own, and notices the same thing.

"Guess we should drink the rest huh?"

"I guess we should." They both stare at eachother for a few seconds, before quickly taking their cups to their mouth, and chugging down the rest to see who finishes first. Neither one seems to be winning over the other, in fact they both slam their cups down at practically the same time. With Jessi slamming hers down first about half a second quicker, she claims herself victorious.

"Ha! I win." She says with a sly grin.

"You did not, it was a tie."

"No, the winner was the one who slammed their cup down first after finishing. Basic rules."

"You mean bullshit rules."

"Nope." They both start laughing again.

"Hey, do you think it was even a good idea to do that?" Sam says.

"I have no idea. We'll find out later I guess."

"Hey, I know we're closer, but we're not take a shit together close." Sam says with a laugh.

"Ew gross." Jessi says, taking her cup and throwing it at Sam, hitting her in the chest. Sam lets out a gasp before throwing her own cup at Jessi's head, she moves it out of the way before it hits her face though.

"Hey, that's not fair. You can hit me but I can't hit you?"

"I'm just too quick."

"Uh huh." Sam squints her eyes at her but not in a serious way. They both laugh again a bit before reclining in their chairs, looking at eachother, trying to think of what to say next. "Hey, wanna come over to my place?" Sam asks her.

"Sure. Just let me text my Dad real quick to let him know." Jessi quickly texts her Dad before standing up with Sam.

"Just let me go inside and pay real quick." Sam says while walking to the door of the shop.

"Wait a second." Jessi says, Sam turns around to look at her, and when she does Jessi is already upon her. She takes Sam's hand, and puts her $2 in it."

"No, Jessi, you can-"

"I made you use your own money, for many things. And while technically you still are right now, I'm lightening up how much you have to use."

"You don't owe me anything."

"That's where you're wrong." Jessi says before closing Sam's hand on the money. "I owe you everything." They both look into eachother's eyes for a few seconds, Jessi still holding Sam's hand. It doesn't last long as Jessi pulls back. "Now go in there, and I'll be right out here when you come back." Sam looks at her hand then back up at Jessi.

"Ok." Sam then goes inside, coming out about thirty seconds later. She gets to Jessi and they walk side by side to Sam's house.

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