Chapter 2

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So here is my update for this day! 😊 it is kinda short but i'll be updating again tomorrow.. Happy reading guys!

Aviyah's POV

I was leaning on my car when I saw Nathaniel walk out the school building..
" Nate! Over here!" I waved him over... "Hi Aviyah" he greeted "so, where are we going?". I thought about the places we could go, and decided that the mall was a great start. We hopped in my car and I let the engine roar to life "aren't you gonna put on your seatbelt?" I looked him over and his seatbelt was already clicked in. "Nah, i'm good" I'm already backing out off the parking space when I suddenly felt him so close to me " there is a reason why this were invented in the first place " he countered while he leaned back to his chair. It took me a minute to realize that he had pulled the seat belt on me, knowing that my cheeks are on fire I just hit the gas hard and glued my eyes on the road. " Sweet ride you got here" he spoke after a moment of silence " thanks, it was a birthday gift " I smiled.

" We're here!" I announced, we had a long conversation about cars during the ride here at the mall. Turns out he knows a lot about cars and he enjoys spending time at his garage fixing whatever he can. I can't stop imagining him without his shirt and him only wearing ripped jeans with sweat all over his body glistening under the sun " oooohhh, me likey! " my wolf suddenly chimed in " you better stop right there Aviyah or we're gonna end up in one of the mall's changing room with our mate " she added. I gasped at what she said and Nathaniel looked at me " are you okay? You're turning red, do you have a fever? ". " Yah! No! i'm fine I just remembered that I forgot my wallet at our house this morning " I lied. " That's okay, boys are suppose to be the one's spending at, right?" now it's his turn to blush. " Right!" I just wanna kiss him! I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the entrance.

"so what do you wanna do?" I asked him.
" Up to you really but I can't stay out too late 'cos we'll be having a gathering at our house tomorrow and I need to help out, by the way would you like to come?"
" Sure, as long as your folks don't mind"
" Well they'll be very happy that i'm bringing a girl " I laughed at that

We decided to go to pizza hut for a bite, yeah! Pizzaaaa! We found a vacant booth and a waitress came over with the menu's. We decided to order my favorite pizza hawaiian overload, caesar salad and some buffalo wings. " So what should I wear tomorrow? " I asked since I have no idea what kind of a party i'll be attending.

" It is gonna be a formal gathering, gowns and tuxedos to be exact "
"are you shitting me!? " I suddenly freaked out " the only dress I have in my closet is now sitting on a pile of dust 'cos the last time that I used it was when I was only six years old! " my wardrobe is simple; plain, dark & leather, not a big fan of skirts and dresses.

" Since we are in the mall, why don't I just buy you one after we eat " he said with a smile.
" okay then, but i'll pay you back for it "
" you don't have to, let me give you everything you need and want "
" Wha- " I was about to ask him what he meant by that but our food finally came and the smell of pizza just claimed my senses and i'm sure I heard him laugh but I was too busy enjoying my cheesy treat to even care.

We're now looking for a good store to shop for my dress and i'm slowing us down because of my aching stomach that's so freaking full! " here, c'mon" nathaniel pulled me into this expensive looking shop and I'm kinda regretting that I agreed to this, all I can see are dresses that can put on a show for people! That dress will be a butt cheek show, this one is a cleavage show and you don't even wanna know about this one dress here, it's a freaking full house show! (See-through dress) I turned a corner and went back to where Nathaniel was standing, he was instructing the lady in charge of the shop to bring us some gowns for me to try on. 20 dresses later and I finally found the one. I didn't even let nathaniel see it on me 'cos I want him sweating tomorrow when he sees my hot ass in the dress. *wink, wink*

I left nathaniel at the mall since his uncle is gonna pick him up. I really had a great time with my mate and my wolf and I are very happy. There is just something weird about him, I can feel power radiating off him at times that makes me shiver, my wolf can feel it too...but he's human... " or so we think " me and my wolf muttered.

Nathaniel's POV

I saw my driver pull up at the mall entrance as I was walking out. I lied to Aviyah about my uncle picking me up. I couldn't tell her now, I just have to wait 'till tomorrow. "Goodevening my Lord" damascus greeted while opening the car door, I nodded in response. It's going to take us 20 minutes to get to the castle. I was deep in thought during the ride, I can't believe I finally found her. I wanted to take her to my castle the moment I saw her but I had to conceal my true identity; only until tomorrow. I just hope she accepts me 'cos i've been waiting for her for ages. But wether she likes it or not she's going to be with me forever; 'till death do us part.

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