Chapter 1: Lex's POV

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"Oh no you didn't, Rex!" I heard Bex exclaim, and when she ran past me, I knew she was going to kill something.

"Oh yes, I very much did," Rex exclaimed with an evil smile as he ran around the house at an impressive speed.

I watched Bex chase Rex with a goblin sword that she "borrowed" from Lovise for a few minutes until I got bored and decided to yank on Bex's hair as she passed by me for the one billionth time. What can I say? I wanted in on the action!

I watched Bex slow down and quickly snap her head towards me with a look of annoyance on her face.

"Hey! Why'd you pull her hair? You're not even part of the fight!" Rex yelled at me as he started walking beside Bex. As they made their way to me with their arms crossed and smug grins on their faces, I remembered the movie that our Mom showed us a few days ago.

"Do you want me to go all Elsa on you? I don't think you do. Make one more move towards me and then it's Rex and Bex popsicle delight," I said with an evil smirk of my own.

"You'll never catch me, Lex. I can run through walls now and you'll never know which one I'll be hiding in," Bex said while throwing the sword to land it on the couch and then tying her hair up in a ponytail so that it wouldn't get in her face while our mini-battle was happening.

"But what about me! I don't have an ability! This war isn't gonna be fair!" Rex said with a look of disappointment on his face.

I felt kind of bad for him. It had been a while since we manifested, so Bex and I had sort-of-good control over our abilities. Rex, on the other hand, hadn't manifested anything. He might have been talentless like our Dad, and Bex and I had one of our secret triplet meetings without Rex so that we could discuss what would happen if Rex didn't manifest. At first, I didn't want to break our triplet code, but Bex convinced me that it was for a good cause. So, by the end of our secret triplet meeting, we decided to just wait until manifesting age passed, and then we could start worrying our butts off for what was to come next.

"Well, then I guess it won't be too hard to turn you into a popsicle!" I said with an evil laugh.

"Only in your dreams!" he said while making a sprint for the stairs. As I was about to blast him with ice, he suddenly farted when he reached the second step, and that made me pause since I was right behind him. I heard a loud kaboom, and then, as if it was in slow motion, I got a feeling of weightlessness overcoming me, but just as soon as it happened, I felt myself crash into Bex, and we both tumbled on the floor.

I landed on my stomach, but Bex's body broke my fall. I quickly got up and saw that Bex had landed face-first onto the floor. Ouch.

"Woah... Did I just fart-bomb, you guys?" Rex breathed with his mouth hanging wide open.

I watched as Bex slowly stood up with a glare that could kill, aimed at Rex. "I refuse to admit that I've been fart-bombed. And there's no such thing as a fart-bomb!" Bex yelled in her 'If I get any madder, I will explode' voice.

"What was that?" I heard Mom yell as she rushed down the stairs. "Is anyone hurt?"

"No, Rex just fart-bombed us," I responded in a regular tone.

"What?" she responded with confusion evident on her face.

"Well, all I did was run to the stairs so that I could go to my room and hide from Lex 'cause he said he was going to turn me into a popsicle, and then I needed to pass gas so obviously, I farted and aimed my butt at Rex, and then next thing ya know, Rex is tumbling into Bex. I know that my farts can be pretty wicked, but I didn't think they could do this!" Rex explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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