Eudoria Holmes} Petal pt.2

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The next morning I woke up to see Eudoria in the room opening the curtains letting the sunshine in room.

"Rise and shine (Y/N)! Time to go teach you some defense skills." Eudoria said opening the curtains letting all the sunlight in.

I sat up in the bed and put a small smile on my face. My eyes were still half closed cause of the sudden sun.

"Good morning to you too, Eudoria." She took the covers off me and held my hands to pull me out of bed. She stopped to look at the night gown on me.

She looked at me a certain way that made my insides tingle. My cheeks began to redden when she said, "Looks better than I imagined on you."

She let go of my hands and began to walk away, "After we train, we're going to have a picnic. Enola will be joining us." She left the room and closed the door.

I then got dressed thanks to Enola bringing me an outfit. There was no need for a corset which made me very happy.

Later on the three of us left the house. Eudoria was carrying a picnic basket with a blanket on top. Enola had a kite and three tennis rackets along with a tennis ball. I was holding nothing but the others didn't mind.

We reached a spot out in the forest that Eudoria liked. She and Enola put the things down and looked back to me.

"Do you know any type of defense (Y/N)?" I was fiddling with my fingers and hang my head low, "I know what a punch is. I don't know how though."

"Oh," She said slightly shocked, "Well that's no problem. Well just start of simple then." She forced a smile on her face.

I was so embarrassed. I was definitely not doing any good in impressing her. "Well, first lesson when defending yourself physically you always had your fist guarding your face." She said approaching me.

"Fist?" I said shyly.

Eudoria loosened up and smiled a bit. She got my hand left hand and curled my fingers into my palms. "Squeeze tightly."

She did the same to my right hand and positioned them to where they would be guarding my face. 

She walked back in front of me and went to her firm ground. She looked very intimidating, I was quite frightened. Enola was just watching from the side of us.

"Now take a jab at me." Eudoria said.

"Wh-what. No. I'm not going to hit you." I said.

"Don't worry, you won't hurt me." A small smile came on her face again.

I took a deep breath and took a swing at her. As soon as my fist got close to her face she grabbed it with her hand and twisted my arm. She got behind me and held my arm to my back.

I inhaled quickly, "I wouldn't hurt you, but you'd hurt me," I laughed nervously. She laughed too. "You can get out of this, I know you can."

She held onto my are tight and didn't let me move. Finally I did something I never though I would or could do.

Since she was right on my back I quickly bent forward and she went flying forward. She fell to the ground.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. Are you alright." I went to her but I heard her laughing. "Are- are you laughing?" I asked kneeling at her side.

"I told you, you could do it." A bright smile was on her face, I didn't want to look away. "If I'm being totally honest Eudoria. I expected you to give more of a fight than that." Did I really just say that!?

She gave me a 'oh no you didn't look'. "Perhaps it's just the fact that I haven't ate yet. We should do that now." She said picking herself up off the ground and back to the picnic area.

The three of us ate the food we packed, mostly fruits and vegetables. They were quite delicious. After that Enola when to go play tennis with a tree and Eudoria and I thought we would go have another try.

We got up and went to our 'battle stands'. About five seconds later I went after Eudoria but she once again trapped me. "How are you gonna get out?" She asked smartly.

I thought of what I could do when the thought crossed my mind. Elbow her in the stomach, pull a reverse, and twist her arm. So I did what I thought and to my surprise it worked.

Well that was until she dropped down and did some weird thing with my legs. Before I new it I was on the floor and she was holding my ankle.

She let go and got on top of me, face to face. My stomach began to nott and my palms got sweaty. Eudoria could tell I was getting nervous.

"Hello there," she said quietly as Enola played.

"H-hi." I shyly replied. She began to chuckle at this again. "Your quite adorable when your nervous."

Did I just hear her correctly? Did she just call me adorable!? I couldn't handle this any longer. I swallowed loudly which she found amusing once again.

She the placed her soft lips on mine. Once the kiss began to become passionate I flipped her over to where I was on top.

She was caught by surprised this time I began to chuckle. I kissed her and she kissed back.

"Mother? (Y/N)?" Enola was watching us. I jumped off Eudoria and she got up too. "Yes Enola what is it?" She said to her daughter.

"What were you two doing?" Enola asked staring directly to the ground we were just on.

"We umm, we were looking at the rose petals. They had some beautiful designs on them. Every rose petal has its own design, like a snow flake. Perhaps you would like to take a look?" I made up.

"Yes, exactly." Eudoria went along.

"You have taught me many things mother. You have also taught me that usually when someone is lying they hold their hand in a fist." Enola said and grabbed our right hands.

They were both in fist.

"She's a smart one" I said with a smile looking at Eudoria.

She smiled back and looked at her daughter. "Enola, (Y/N) and I.. fancy.. each other and-" She was cut off by Enola.

"It's okay. I know. You don't have to explain. Would you guys like to play tennis?" She concluded.

"Oh erm, sure!" I took a racket from off the ground.

The three of us began to play. Eudoria won against me and Enola but it was all in good fun.

The sky got dark, so we began to go back to the Holmes house hold.

"Thank you for today ladies. I expect I'll be seeing you soon." I didn't want to leave but I didn't want to invite myself to their house.

"No. Don't go (Y/N)! Please stay," Enola said to me as I walked through the front door.

"You can stay here," Eudoria began, "Stay." I could see tears starting to form in her eyes.

I wanted to cry too, I didn't want to leave, "Okay," a single tear fell from my eyes. "I'll stay." Enola hugged me.

Eudoria approached me. She gave me the biggest hug I've ever received. It made me feel soft and cozy. She released from our embrace and placed her smooth hands in my face.

She then pulled me into a kiss and we all started giggling. Now, the three of us were rose petals. We all had something special in ourselves that only we could have. Put it all together and we became a rose.

Hi! Here's the second and final part of the Petal series. I hope you enjoyed! I'm on a vacation right now so when we're driving I may come out with more one shots. Look out for those. Have an amazing rest of your day or night! <3

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