I grabbed Maggie, my german shepard puppy's, leashes. Yes, leashes. Maggie is in her teething faze, but that doesn't mean she can't break leashes. She chews on them enough for the friction to snap the leash, so ever since the first 5 times...ahem...I've carried 2 or 3 leashes with me whenever I walk her. I picked up my animal first aid bag because Maggie hasn't gotten completely balanced yet so she gets hurt quite a bit. Nothing major though.

We exited the apartment building and headed towards a near by nature trail. The first half of the path was peaceful and undisturbed. I was able to clear my head, so now I was just walking for the exercise of Maggie and myself. We continued walking until Maggie stopped to sniff a section of bushes. After a couple minutes I started to worry about what was there. I picked up Maggie and pushed over the weeds from the bushes to reveal a very familiar golden retriever. After looking closely, I realized it was a boy.  "Hey. Hey buddy. Come here," I beckoned, clicking my tongue. He slowly got up, limping his way towards me. I hooked a leash onto his collar. I slowly walked with him as he limped with me. I decided to stop walking to give him a little check up. My mom is a vet so she taught me a lot about animal health. Dogs to be precise.

I started by letting the dog get used to me. He needs to trust me if I treat him. He took a couple minutes smelling my hand before licking it in approval. I had him lay down on a soft patch of grass as I started examining him. I looked at the leg that he had been limping on. There was a deep gash in his leg that looked like it had been from wood. I checked for any splinters around the gash and I, luckily, didn't find any. I had let Maggie walk around the path, knowing full well that she wouldn't let me out of her sight. I grabbed a cotton swab and dampened it with a little bit of alcohol. The dog started whining in pain. "Shh, shh. It's okay, it's okay. I'm almost done. There you go. Now I'm gonna wrap it in some gauze so it doesn't get infected, okay?" I cooed. I know he can't understand what I'm saying, but the feeling of slight approval helps me actually go through with it. Once I finished wrapping his leg in a bandage, I decided to look at his collar tag. His name is Henry. That's when it dawned on me. This is Jace Norman's dog. Holy shit. I dialed the number on the tag.

"Hello?" an annoyed and stressed out voice answered.

"Hi, my name is Y/N L/N and I found your dog, Henry, on a nature path," I spoke.

"Really?! Thank you so much! Where should we meet so I can pick him up?" the voice perked up.

"I don't think he can go very far walking wise. And before you start worrying even more, he's not gonna die, he just got cut by some wood and can't walk too well," I explained. "I'm in the nature trail near the luxury apartments on 'Sydney Court'."

"Ok. I'm not too far from there. I'll be there in like fifteen minutes," the voice told me.

"Ok, great! We'll be waiting in the middle of the path. You might want to bring a wagon or something," I suggested.

"Ok. Again thank you so much!" the voice stressed.

"No problem! See you soon I guess," I replied.

"Yep. Bye!" the voice breathed. They hung up. So I guess now I'll be waiting here for the mysterious person to come here. I'm pretty sure it's Jace, but I can't be sure. Many people name their dogs Henry, right?
"Oh, Henry! There you are!" came the voice of Henry's owner. I turned around to be faced with Jace fucking Norman.


After getting the call from Y/N L/N I started getting a wagon I found earlier that week in the attic. As I was getting everything situated, I couldn't help but feel a little excited. This could be the Y/N L/N. The one on YouTube with one of the largest followings on the app. I, myself, am a fan, but not just because of her looks like many other people followed her for. I followed her for her talent. Her beauty was just an extra perk. I pulled up near 'Sydney Court', searching for the trail she mentioned. After finding it, I parked my car in the nearby parking lot. I unpacked the wagon and rolled it into the trail.

About half way into the trail I saw the familiar golden fur sprawled onto the grass. "Oh, Henry! There you are!" I cheered. I turned to a shocked Y/N L/N. But not just any Y/N L/N. Y/n fucking L/N. "I uh I don't think I've introduced myself. I'm Jace," I introduced myself as I stuck my hand out for her to shake.

"Y/N," she shook my hand. It was warm and soft, I didn't want to let go. Reluctantly, I let her retract her hand. "Do you have any idea how he could gotten cut by wood? At first I thought, from the forest, but there was little to no dirt in his cut," Y/N explained.

"He dug himself under our wooden fence. Maybe it happened then," I suggested. She nodded, collecting a few first aid things together in a bag. She picked up Maggie, yes I know who that is, and gave Henry an ear scratch. I took a deep breath before picking up Henry and setting him into the wagon. "Again, thank you so much for finding Henry for me," I thanked.

"Of course! I don't know what I would do if Maggie decided to run away," she smiled. Her smile made me melt on the inside. It was so genuine and sweet. Innocent even. She met my eyes as I blushed red at the fact she caught me staring. We walked in a comfortable silence back to the front of the trail. She went into her apartment and I went into my car. I set Henry in the back, folding up the wagon.
We made it back to my house a little before dinner. That was a couple hours ago. It's now 10:00pm and I'm not very tired. I'm pretty bored though and Henry is already sleeping so I can't do much. I decided to take my chances of texting Y/N.

Hey! This is Jace!

Hey Jace! What's up?

Nothin much. I'm just bored...

Wanna go out to Taco Bell or something?

Not that I'm complaining, but why are you texting me?

You're the only one who answered...

Wow. But ok! Let's go to Taco Bell!

You want me to pick you up?

Would you?



I just got a date with Y/N L/N. And it's all thanks to Henry.

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