I dance to the song of my heart .

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I dance to the song of my heart

I listen to the whispers of my soul

I don't care, if in the process I stumble & fall

or get slammed against a brick wall

I don't worry about the scratches on my body

or patches on my clothes

I was born nude & uninhibited

I was a wild child

I still thrive to be that kind

Journey is more important for me

Than my destination

I don't care if in the process

I break or burn

B'coz I know that someday

I will rise from the ashes

And shine brighter than ever b'fore

I listen to the whispers of my soul

I dance to the song of my heart !!!

I have first posted these poems on my Facebook page. So, maybe some of you might see it there in future or would have already seen it. Enjoy ;)

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