Enter Garnet, Into the Higashikata Estate

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Garnet looks above her, through her tinted scuba goggles at what appears to be a skipper boat. "I must be approaching land," she says to herself as she glides upwards from the sandy bottom of the ocean that she's been treading across for days. It's her honeymoon and she wants to spend it on Japan. She comes topside and sees the Japanese shore with an orchard not far from the beach. She swims to the shore before evaporating the water off her dark body in a motion remanecant of a Dragon Ball Z powerup. After she's dried off, she wanders throughout the orchard, taking notice of strange rock-like formations-- reminiscent of faces. "Hmm. I need to come back here sometime to see if these are corrupted gems," Garnet thinks to herself as she remembers her vacation and chooses not to stress over them. Garnet continues pressing forward, farther inland, as she sees a chubby child in a dress playing with an origami crane. The child looks at her in surprise and shouts at her in Japanese. "What are you doing on my family's farm?" she asks and Garnet replies, "just looking for a spot to chill." Garnet can tell the child doesn't believe her and it runs off, towards a house in the distance. Garnet meanders her way towards the house too, when a rather handsome young man dressed in a sailor's outfit comes out of it with the child, whom he promptly beckons away. "Who are you and do you know a nice hotel nearby?" Garnet asks in English, because it's a habit. Gappy understands her perfectly, shocking even himself as he didn't remember that it was something Kira picked up as a naval medic. He replies, in mild shock, and asks this mysterious tall woman if she's a rock human. She tells him no, she's not a human, just a rock. Gappy doesn't initially take in the meaning of her words-- as he's too focused on how smoothly they tumble out of her mouth, bouncing through the air with her soft, cool British accent. He looks at her up and down. Dark skinned and muscular, so much so that even his 8 pack and forearms that look like they have a four pack are both mere runner ups to her skull crushing thighs, but not beefy enough to appear unattractive like a female bodybuilder would to him. Her porcelain face, housing her thick lips, perhaps ripe for kissing, and her poofy brick-shaped afro that seems to fit her lean body perfectly, in an almost paradoxical manner and blends with her pointy sunglasses that remind him of the ones that Prince always wore. He was then drawn to her hands. They were long and slender, but imbued with the aura of strength, just like the rest of her. In her each of her palms rested a large gemstone with each being perfectly cut and polished with a weight of what Gappy felt like was probably hundreds of carats. These gems glistened in the midsummer Japanese light and danced among the sun, only adding to her beauty. She's everything his girlfriend Yasuho isn't and she drew him to her like gravity.  Then, just as hard as his infatuation hit, so did what she said. She wasn't a rock human, so was she a rock insect? Would he be forced to destroy this enchanting beauty forever?  He couldn't bring himself to the thought. That would be... a calamity. Instead of asking her what she ment, Gappy simply brought out his stand, Soft and Wet, and looked at her reaction. Even through the glare of her sunglasses, he can tell she didn't notice. This means she's not a stand user herself and not a rock human nor insect. Gappy then chose to disregard her last statement completely and try his best to respond without stumbling over his words. "So... you from around here?" Gappy asks as he points to the Higashikata orchard as a joke. Garnet takes him completely literally and responds with a firm, "no." Damn it. He's driven himself into a wall. "Tsurugi said you were looking for a fun time?" Gappy asks and Garnet responds, using her future vision. "Your next line is, 'well, I can show you a good time.' I'm not impressed. Please, move out of my way and I'll be off of your property," she says. Gappy, desperate for even one last glance from this goddess, towering above him,  says,  "I don't know how you knew that, but if it's excitement you're looking for, I bet you can't predict this!" as he uses the physical strength of Soft and Wet to lift her into the air effortlessly, a few millimeters above his real arms, to give the appearance that he has super strength. "Oooh! A human that might actually be able to keep up with me!" Garnet says, playfully, making it very clear she's down to fuck. "I know a place nearby we can go," Gappy says, carrying her all the way to the bunker in the orchard. He then gently tosses her onto the bed and tries to pull off her shirt and fails. "Oh. Right," Garnet says as she transforms into the nude version of herself before tugging at the rope tied around Gappy's pants as a makeshift belt. The second she pulled, the rope burst off due to his large erection (massive would be too hefty and boring a modifier, but he was still more than big enough to please). Gappy could barley believe how perfect her tits were. He thought the circular shape of her armor that was well over 60 cm on circumference was just padding, but it was actually her rack the whole time. Her perky boobs were completely identical in their size, shape, and silky smooth look. Her areolas were flawless; perfect circles encompassing her nipples, hard with small bumps, it was clear. She was horny. Gappy popped off the buttons on his crop top so fast that he definitely heard one of them break. It doesn't matter. He won't be needing clothes for what he's about to do. "You ready?" he asks and she replies, "you left your shoes on." "I know. They were 500 dollars and I'm getting every cent out of them. You still have your sunglasses on, so I'm keeping my shoes. The Jordans stay on during sex," Gappy tells her, which prompts Garnet to laugh out loud. "Well, fine then," Garnet says, climbing onto him and tapping his nose in a playfull manner that gets Gappy even harder than he already was. She then traces his jawline with her finger, working her way down his body until she's firmly grasping his cock. She flicks the head, sending mixed shivers of both pain and pleasure up Gappy's spine. "Ohh God. Don't tease me," Gappy says, though it's more of a question because there's no doubt at all that Garnet is in control of the room. Garnet responds by slinking down, her face to his cock, with her ass in the air. She licks her lips, prepares. Gappy lets out a sigh even before her plump lips touch his cock. She sucks with so much torsion that her cheeks hollow out and the colour begins to leave Gappy's dick. She's pulls up her glasses for a second and makes direct eye contact with Gappy using all three of her eyes. Gappy is, again, moderately freaked out, but he's done weirder so he gets back into the mood. At this point, Garnet can feel each individual vein in Gappy's cock flushing and throbbing with blood. She can't handle it anymore. She needs it inside of her; she needs him inside of her. She does a back flip to the other side of the bed and shakes her ass on Gappy's cock. He reciprocates and sticks it in. His first thrust was enough to get Garnet to tense up, her large musculature nearly crushing poor Gappy's manhood. He started to pull out, but he heard Garnet shout, "my bad! I didn't realize you were that big. It won't happen again, so you better not pull that dick of yours out of me unless one of us can't walk anymore!" Gappy could tell, that was a command. He pumped again, with an equal amount of force as the first time just to see if she was telling the truth. Indeed, her ass splashed and juggled with pleasure rather than tensing up into a square of muscles. Gappy then pounded away in a rhythmic, jackhammer pattern with an ever increasing intensity. He came after about a few minutes, which is very impressive when fucking someone like Garnet who has a shape-shifting body with a pussy she can make match the exact size, shape, and girth of any cock and move her G-spot up and down her interior for maximum pleasure of both parties involved. Garnet told him he did a good job as she spun him around and sucked on one of his balls when she noticed something odd. "The last human I fucked didn't have 4 balls. I thought your species only had 2?" Garnet asked. Gappy responded, "well I'm technically 2 people..." and before he could finish, Garnet yelled, "Oooh! A fusion! I'm keeping you!" Then, to shut him up, she kissed him. Her vacation had gone very well.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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