you go around the stairs once, but she commands you further, so your destination is higher than the second floor. it isn't the third, either, so you end up entering the fourth floor of her mansion, your mind wandering to wonder what might be beneath you.

it doesn't matter, though, and especially not to her, because her fingers of one of her hands find your shoulders again, raising slightly to move against the back of your neck, which is currently exposed to her.

"kirari- your fingers are so cold." you say, a little breathlessly, but you dare not to try to move away from her.

her mouth transforms to a smirk, her thumb running a path along your skin. "is that so? continue walking, darling, it's this way."

although these interactions are completely normal, something about her voice is off. something about her, in general, is different from how it normally is, her eyes filled with unusual emotions you couldn't pinpoint.

her vacuum of all power around her is on, and you feel completely at her mercy here, even though barely anything is happening. she's just guiding you around her awfully large house since the lights are off, that isn't extremely unusual.

her hands find the brass knob of a door and she turns it open, letting you step in before her so she can lock the door behind her.

you glance around, your brow slightly furrowed at the heavy sound the lock makes as it thuds into place, but there are more doors in here and they don't appear to be locked.

she's doing something behind you, opening a drawer of sorts, and you start to turn around, opening your mouth to speak to her.

"shhh, darling." kirari soothes, although you feel more intimidated than relaxed, her power dynamic completely changing now that she has you somewhat trapped.

before you can finish your turn to face her, she hold your head in place with one hand, using the other to slip a piece of cloth over your head- a blindfold?

she's blindfolding you, her hand removing from your jawbone and instead using to tie a sturdy knot at the back of the ribbon.

you can't see through the cloth at all, and from instinct you aren't sure you could struggle your way out of the knot she just tied..

your hand raises automatically and you try to feel for your surroundings. your brief scan of the room wasn't enough to comprehend where specific things were, and you could tell where she was either.


she shushes you again, and you feel her freezing fingertips graze against your neck, before they rose, circling your jaw and tilting your face upwards.

you shiver against her, feeling her body press against your's from behind, her cold skin smoothing over your own.


her finger runs across your lower lip, easily smothering your voice.

"quiet." she hums, her hands lowering to your shoulders to turn you around.

the edge of a table pressed against your back and a small whimper escapes from your mouth, but kirari clearly isn't planning on backing down, her cold hands beginning to remove your jacket from you.

"do you understand why i called you here, my darling?" she murmers, cold breath on your ear, and you try to control your breathing so you can answer her question.

you clearly aren't expected too, though, because as soon as you try to speak again her leg slides smoothly between yours, cold radiating through your skin.

them • kakegurui x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now