Chapter One

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"What the fuck." One of the preppies tried to trip me. I slammed him against the locker, "You wanna do that again bud." "No." "Didn't think so." I flipped him off while walking to the last class I had for the day. Thank God!
"Late again Julia." "Like I give a fuck." I sat down in the back and grabbed a straw out of my pocket.

I ripped up the paper, "Julia, knock it off." I smirked at the kid and put a piece of paper in my mouth. I used the straw to spit the spitball at the back of the teachers head. "Fucking bullseye!" He turned around and saw that everyone was writing notes on what he was talking about. As soon as he turned around to face the chalkboard, I did it again. This time he turned around and just as he went to speak, the spitball flew into his mouth.

 I started laughing hard, "Office, NOW!" "Yeah, yeah." I grabbed my shit and went to the office. I saw John in the hallway and I knew he was up to something. "GET IN HERE NOW BAKER!" "Sup Dick." "Julia sit the hell down." I rolled my eyes and sat down. 

"You have detention for two Saturdays now. You were late to all of your classes today and then you were spitting spit balls at Mr. Briggs. I heard you also shoved a kid against their locker." "Yeah, because they fucking tripped me." He looked at me, "Just get the hell outta my office." He went to pick up the phone. Just before he was able to call Jessica and James, the fire alarm went off. I ran out and saw John running away, "Thank you Bender." Dick caught up to him, "Shit." That means he'll be here with me tomorrow once again. "Rad!" I walked to work.

After work, I  went inside and Jessica was already clearly pissed. "You ruin our Saturdays with all those damn detentions you get bitch." "Oh well." She slapped me hard across the face. "Wait until James gets home. Oh Fred and Steve are coming over, you know what that means." I glared at her and went to my room. It was the closet under the steps, that's my room. "Fuck you, fucking dildo." I flipped her off from the other side of the door. I grabbed my notebook and wrote yet another song for my band.

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