~ ridiculous~

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(y/n) pov

as summer moved along johnny and i became quite close..... however as time went by he slowly became a pain in my ass.

every weekend he would bring a new girl over to my house and use my guest bedroom as if it was his and sleep with just about every girl in Los Angeles.

"hi i'm Jessica"

"oh hello johnny told me about you, i'm lacey"

girl after girl.

i even made a list.

but what i wasn't expecting was Ali.

"hey! i'm Ali Mills, Johnny's girlfriend"

it caught me off guard. i even had to ask johnny because i almost couldn't believe it.

"are you really dating?" i asked in total disbelief.

"yes! how many times do i gotta tell you princess." he said to me for the 100th time that day.

"holy shit. THE Johnny Lawrence finally got a real girlfriend!" i threw my hands up "it's a damn miracle!"

he rolled his eyes and we both laughed.

"so i saw you sanded your car, you finally gonna paint it?"

"yeah i finally picked out a color."

i said as he followed me out to the garage.

"what color?"

"nope! cant tell you that's classified information gas station boy."

he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"your never gonna drop that name are you?"

he said tilting his head with a smirk.

"HA! never."

we both laughed and finally said goodbye and he had to get going for his date with Ali.

as the summer went on they stayed together and i finally found a stable job that would work with my hours when i started back to school.

but of course as soon as johnny and his little group of friends found out where i worked they were in there every morning for breakfast and would sometimes stop by after karate for lunch.

summer was fun but if corse it had to come to an end at some point. Junior year came faster then i expected it to come and i finished painting the car and now it looked sexy as hell.

i also managed to save up money to get my own dirt bike so on the rare occasion i feel like doing something stupid i could. of course my parents didn't know of this purchase.

finally the first day of school was finally here.

i thought i should go with something nice givin that this was my first day at a new school.

i thought i should go with something nice givin that this was my first day at a new school

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i threw my hair into a low ponytail and put on a few rings for a final touch. i grabbed my backpack and headed for my car.

i blasted the radio as i pulled into the parking lot of my new high school and found a spot right away. i backed into the space and turned off my car and got out.

i threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked with confidence into the crowded halls and going for the front office to get my schedule.

as the day went by i noticed i had some familiar faces in my classes.

in my 1st period english i had Johnny's girlfriend, Ali.

2nd period history i had tommy and bobby, friends of johnny.

and every class after that i had johnny in. literally.

in science we were lab partners, in spanish he sat behind me and poked me the whole class, and dear god PE. since he was considered a golden athlete he always wanted to be paired with me and he could do that.

after a long stressful school day i could go home and sleep for a little while because my shift at the diner didn't start till 8pm, i had the closeting shift today.

and that's how it was just about everyday.

i'd go to school, get annoyed by johnny, slowly grow feelings for him more and more everyday, come home and remind my self that he has a girlfriend, think about pushing him away, go to work, come home, do home work, go to bed.

and that's how it was. after some time i noticed that Ali had some resentment towards me but i think she only came around because it would make Johnny happy.

after some time Johnny and his buddy's would stay at my house more and more and i don't know weather that was because i had the best view of the sun both setting and rising or because i knew how to cook good food.

sometimes Ali would come by and eat with the group of dorks and me but she never spoke much to me and that was okay.

i could tell she felt like she wasn't as important to Johnny like i was and i knew to stay in my lane.

"you guys are ridiculous and eat like a bunch of pigs! do you know what it's like to clean up after you slobs! i'm not making any meals for you guys anymore until you start doing somethings for me!"

all the boys swallowed hard.

i let out a laugh and walked back to the stove to turn it off.

as the Junior school year was coming to an end and we were just had one more summer left that seamed to be when shit hit the fan.

the fondness of you(Johnny Lawrence x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now