~the break up~

649 14 3

(Y/n) POV

i was rudely awoken to a loud banging on my front door.

"Come on (Y/n) you're gonna be late for work!"

i heard a very muffled yell.

i let out a loud groan.

"OKAY! Alright! i'm coming just give me a sec!"

i pulled the blankets off my body and stretched.

i yawned as i reached the front door of my house.

"well good morning sunshine-"

"shut up i cannot deal with you being this loud in the morning."

i cut the person off.

"I also tagged along!"

i rolled my eyes at my 2 best friends standing at my door.

Ruby Mae


Payton Donnley

"you two are ridiculous..."

i said turning around and following the hall way into my kitchen.

"you know you have got to get sleep at night."

Ruby said with a concern look on her face.

"i know, i know but johnny showed up at my house last night drunk of his ass talking about he 'missed her birthday' what ever that means..."

Payton sighed.

"you have got to stop letting him come over when ever he pleases. he's gonna turn you into a sleep deprived zombie..."

"i know and i've tried. every time i tell him he can't come over certain days he shows up with his little pals just to piss me off..."

they both let out a good laugh at me

"haha so funny right. let's make (y/n) into a homeless zombie"

i said putting my hands up like a zombie.

"must eat brains!"

i laughed.

"okay nerds let me get ready then we can leave."

they both nod and i go back to my room and into my closet.

i found a black jean skirt with a leather jacket and a gray laced shirt with a red bra showing underneath. i threw some of my original high top converse on over a set of fish nets and walked out of my room.

"okay nerds let's go."

i said as we walked out of my house and to my car.

"man (y/n) i remember when you first moved into the neighborhood and i saw this car for the first time... man, that was like what a year almost two ago?"

payton said.

payton said

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