siblings rant

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okay so why do little brothers eat SO much??? Leftovers? They eat it. Random snacks? They eat it. Your favorite food that you had been saving? They. Eat. It. Like why are you always so hungry? Did you just starve yourself all day or something? I don't get it. They are always hungry. My brother eats an entire bag of Lays (the family size ones) in a day, and my parents dont bat an eye, but when I eat a serving of Cheez-Its everyone loosed their damn minds. 

Plus, if something in the cupboard has MY NAME ON IT, then you can't eat it. Because it's MINE. Not yours. Proof this is a real thing? My brother is eating my pasta right at this very moment. 

Brother: Oh hey. How's the underworld?

Me: Is that my pasta

Brother: Yep. Pretty good, aint it?

Me: Yes. Hence it being my pasta. Was that the last bit?

Brother: I think so. Why

Me: Because it's MY PASTA

Brother: oh sorry. its good though


Also, if I am in my room for 7 hours, can't you respect that? Or if I tell you not to touch my stuff, can't you just leave it alone? If I tell you to get out, why won't you leave? 

Bonus: THEIR MUSIC TASTE IS ABSOLUTE TRASHHHHHH. WHy must you blast "Seagulls Stop It Now" on repeat for 3 hours???? And why do you complain when I listen to diverse music like The Score and AJR? My taste is better than that crap you listen to. 

ALSO: If im showering, dont knock. I am showering. Alone. I would lie my privacy. I dont want you in the washroom while Im rinsing off. Its weird. 

Plus, if I have a special shampoo or body wash, DONT WASTE IT. I use it because I need to. Can't you understand that?!?!??!?

thank you and goodbye 

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