Bad Dreams

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Heyo! I'm back! Hopefully yall liked my story so far... This one shot sorry t of deals with some darker themes, so if you candy handle things like suicide, self harm, or gore, please skip this part!


Wilson was covered in bruises and blood, and one of his eyelids was a dark shade of purple. He looked up from where he was sitting, seeing the man who opposed him. "Wilson Percival Higsburry, the gentleman scientist? How pathetic. I expected more out of you." The man was tall, with a suit and tie. He wore a flower on his chest, the color of dried blood. Wilson could of sworn he looked familiar, and it was on the tip of his tongue.

"What are you looking at, maggot." Tears ran down the beaten man's cheeks as he trembled, not wanting to say anything. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION, ANSWER ME YOU PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN!!!" The man slapped Wilson across the face, leaving a large red mark amongst the bruises. "P-please..." Is all Wilson could mutter. "Please? Oh, you want to beg now, huh?" He gave another slap. "Just shut your mouth then. Every word you say angers me more." The taller male gripped Wilson's collar, yanking him across the grass. He whined, grasping his sides in pain. All of his ribs were either broken or shattered. And yet, our mysterious man kept walking.
And walking...
And walking...

He walked until they came to a large tree in the forest. The man threw Wilson against the tree, breaking even more bones. "You look so goddamn helpless right now. Not a soul to turn to, no one to call to for help. Its pitiful. I do not envy you, Mr. Higsburry, but I do pity you slightly. " Wilson stopped his silent sobbing and looked up. "Wh- what...?" Why did he remember that? He heard it in a different voice, over and over, each time someone else he knew said it. Still, he still couldn't pinpoint it. Without wilson noticing, the man had walked around the tree and dissapeared.

What seemed like an eternity passed before Wilson heard something. "Do it." He stood up as best as he could, blood spilling from his major wounds. "Do it." He walked over to a large rock. Noticeably, it was shaped like a lopsided triangle. Wilson held the end of the rock it his hands, and smashed his head against it. Blood gushed from the wound, and it felt like hell. He did it again, and again, and again. And once more. He continued until his four head was caved in.

Looking over, wilson saw what appeared to be a cliff. He was now on a cliffside, over a beach. "Go. Now." A cold presence sat over his shoulder as he limped over to the edge. Tears ran down his face as he sobbed. "I mean nothing to you, let me die in peace..." The presence giggled, shoving wilson a little closer to the edge. "I know, I want to watch you disappear. " Wilson looked at who was talking, and saw a mirror, broken to all hell's extent. "N-no..." he took a step forward onto the rocks,  more and more tears mixed with gushing red blood fell down his face. It dropped down his lips, and the mixture of salty and iorny taste made him shutter. Then, he took one more step, this time nothing was there under him. He was falling.


Then, something snapped inside of him. "Maxwell... you..."


Wilson sat up in his makeshift sleeping bag, screaming his poor head off. The flap to his tent flew open, revealing a familiar face. Maxwell... "Wilson, what in the heavens named happened?!?" Wilson wat hyperventilating, and struggling to see straight. "Wilson, please, calm yourself..." the older man hurried to Wilson's side, rubbing his back. Wilson flinched, his eyes wide open in terror. "Wilson, please, what happened to you? What on earth...?" There was a red hand mark on Wilson's face. Maxwell decided not to question it. "M-Max, I... You... Blood..." he buried his face into Maxwells chest, soaking the taller man's shirt with his tears. The elder of the two, surprised and worried, cradled the sodding man. "Shhh, its okay... It's going to be okay... I was most likely just a bad dream..." Maxwell knew it was likely more than that, but he would let that aside for now. Wilson calmed himself after a while, and the two of them fell asleep there, deciding that they would discuss it in the morning.


Well, this was... different? Anyways, I'm happy that I got to write today, so yay! As always, stay frostie, soldier!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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