You're Looking Shade-E-E (Etho x Reader)

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You strolled through the shopping district, glancing around at the patches of mycelium everywhere. Grian must've been at it again. Or maybe it just grew back from last time. You wished you could know for sure...but Etho, who was supposed to be a spy for HEP, had recently switched to the Resistance's side. It had been a shocker to everyone, particularly you, his girlfriend.

Now, you were walking to his shop, Ice-E-Es, because you needed some ice and snow for a project. You just hoped you didn't run into him. You hadn't seen him since he'd left HEP a few weeks ago, and you weren't sure what you'd say if you ran into him.

You reached the store and headed inside. So far you'd seen nothing. You got the things you needed and put them in a shulker before leaving again. Well, that hadn't been so bad.

Something dropped down behind you. "(Y/N)."

Of course. You jinxed it.

Slowly, you turned around to face the former HEP member. He smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Heyyy..."

"Hey, Etho." You sighed. You turned your gaze to your feet, not sure what to do. Half of you wanted to run over and hug him, and the other half wanted to slap him for being so dumb.


"What do you want?" you asked. It came out a bit harsher than you meant, and you winced internally, but you didn't try to correct it.

"I wanted to apologize and...see you again. I miss you."

You narrowed your eyes a little. "If you were gonna miss me you wouldn't have gone to the Resistance."

Etho sighed. "Grian offered more, and I was getting tired of being a double agent...he didn't tell me he was going to keep the war going this long, though. I really do miss you, (Y/N)."

You glanced into his eyes. You didn't see any traces of a lie, but Etho had always been able to hide things well. It also seemed a bit sketchy that he just showed up all of a sudden after no word for weeks.

At the same time, you wanted to believe him. You'd missed him too. Even if you still thought he was a dummy for just leaving like that.

You sighed and made up your mind, walking over and wrapping your arms around him. He hugged back, and you knew he'd be smiling under his mask.

"Hey...can we meet tonight? At Shade-E-E's?"

You blinked at him. "Why?"

He shrugged. "I wanna catch up, and we're kinda easy to spot out here."

"Oh." You nodded. Well, couldn't hurt. "Alright. Shade-E-E's it is."

He nodded. "Cya there." With that, he took out a rocket and flew off.

You stood there for moment, a bit confused about the whole conversation. It still seemed a little shady to you, but you did want to catch up with Etho. You guessed you were headed to Shade-E-E's tonight.

After a HEP meeting talking about how to destroy mycelium, you headed home and worked on your base until it was dark. Then you flew back to the shopping district, headed to Shade-E-E's. You landed right in the entrance of the shop and looked around. You didn't see anyone.

Suddenly, something leapt at you, knocking you into the wall and pinning you there. Glittering blue and red eyes met your gaze when you looked up, and Etho grinned, his mask gone.

"Nice to see you too?" you said with an awkward smile.

"(Y/N), I know it's been a while but...mind if I do this?" He quickly pecked your lips, a blush rising to both his cheeks and yours.

"No I don't mind," you murmured, before kissing him back.

He leaned into it. You ran your fingers through his hair, and he groaned a bit. His tongue brushed your bottom lip, and you let it slip into your mouth.

Oh, how you'd missed this.

After a while, he pulled away, smirking. He offered his hand. "Shall we head to the back?"

644 words

A/N: How was it? The ending got a little wild didn't it? XD I hope you still enjoyed! 

Thanks for reading!

Hermitcraft x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now