"Then shut the door."

"No! They'll find me still–"

"No one can open the doors once shut unless they are me or Romand. Just shut them." The boy stood frozen, before nodding as if in shock and walking over to shut the doors gently, just as people stormed past the doors calling out, "Prince! First Prince Caiden!" The boy, seemingly to be Prince Caiden, stood by the door, his hands bracing against it as if at any moment people would come bursting through. However, just like I stated, no one would be able to open the doors again unless they were Romand or me. Romand said that he made it this way because he didn't like to be bothered. And in the pounding of two heartbeats, the people had left, scurrying off to another destination.

"So... you're a prince?" I asked, moving over to grab another bag, this one filled with herbs that Romand most likely wanted to dry in these cabinets. It was my job to place them into jars or containers and label them. Despite the fact that Romand probably knew what each herb was, I still felt the need to label them and make sure they each had their own place, even knowing that in the future it wouldn't make a difference and he would mess it all up again.

Caiden let out a breath as if I wasn't supposed to hear the thousands of people running and calling out to him. "Y-yes! But... but you don't have to treat me differently or anything it's okay you don't have to bow or–" Caiden spun around, a look on his face full of anxiety. However, when we both met eyes, he realized that not only was I not bowing, but I was particularly composed, not really caring about what was happening.

"Well, I wasn't planning on that, seems too troublesome. Give me that bag." I pointed to a bag by the door, the one I had just dropped recently. Caiden still stood there in shock at my attitude, not entirely believing what was happening. However, I didn't really care and continued to put away items one by one, waiting for him to do whatever he wanted.

"You... you don't care... that I'm the prince?" he asked softly. I sighed and picked up a handful of books, placing them off to the side to bring them up to the second floor when I was ready to organize them.

"I mean, if you're wondering if I'm going to tell anyone, I'm not. I can't be bothered to do so. I also don't feel like bowing, so unless your highness forces me to care, I don't really care that you're a prince." Caiden still stood there still, his hands fidgeting around as he wondered what to say or do, I'm guessing. It took a long time for him to finally move, bringing me the bag I asked for with a smile on his face.

"Just call me Caiden."

Caiden and I then spent the next two hours organizing things, ignoring the shouting from all around us. It sounded like they were panicking, even sending out armed guards who went all around searching for Caiden. However, we continued to organize. Caiden liked to talk, and I didn't but he was helping me put stuff away, and the quicker things were put away the more time I would have to myself, so I continued to listen.

We were on the second floor, putting the last of our books when the doors rapidly opened and shut, revealing Romand in a slightly flustered look. He gazed searched franticly around the room before landing on Caiden and me on the second floor, books in our hands. Then his face became angry, as he transported to right behind me and hit me on the back a little forcefully, causing me to drop the books and cough out in shock.

"I'm terribly sorry, Prince Caiden, but you are being summoned. If I had known you were here, then it would've made the past two hours much less tedious." Romand's voice was strained, but a scary smile was plastered on his face as if he were trying to not scare Caiden. However, after spending the past two hours with him, I knew that he would be frightened in this situation.

Caiden was startled at the suddenness of Romand making his way towards us and dropped the book by his feet. "I'm –I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hide–!" He stuttered, looking wildly between Romand and me.

I grimaced up at Romand, my own leg moving before my mouth as I tried to kick at his right one with my left. However, anticipating my movement, Romand sidestepped and kicked at the back of my knees, sending me to the ground.

"You stupid old cat–!"

"There is nothing to be sorry about, Prince Caiden. I'm sure this boy here was more at fault than you are." Romand interrupted, looking at me on the ground as if I were a mouse who had crawled into his home to die.

"Huh?" I shouted out, incredulously standing up and brushing my pants. I was not going to take the blame for this stupid kid's actions.

However, before anything more could be said, a pounding resounded on the door. A female voice could be heard asking for Romand on the other side. Romand clicked his tongue in irritation and rubbed a hand across his forehead, probably thinking of how to handle this situation. Caiden seemed upset at the voice, his gaze staying on the door, listening to the woman's cries before turning to Romand.

"I'm sorry, Archmage Romand. I'll leave now. I didn't mean to cause in trouble." Caiden muttered, making his way towards the door. I huffed out a breath, glaring briefly at Romand before bending down to pick up the books that had fallen as Caiden opened the door. I could barely hear the conversation that was being said over the cries of the woman who was hugging Caiden. Excuses were given, and everything seemed to be blown over as I was finishing putting away the last book on the highest shelf.

I could feel the gaze of the innocent boy below me as he was ushered out of the room. However, I didn't even look back, because it didn't really matter to me what happened to him then. Though, if I had known that this would be the last time, I saw that innocent boy, I might have looked back just once to watch his figure retreat into the darkness that awaited him.

But let's be real, I probably still wouldn't care.


Hello again! Saph here! I hope you enjoy this chapter and as always, let me know how you feel! I'm super excited for what is to come, I hope you guys are too! See you next time!

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