Chapter 1: What Happened To Lucy??

Start from the beginning

"What's the problem?"  Erza asked, appearing with Gray at her side.

"Lucy hasn't come back from her walk yet,"  Happy replied.  "Ad she left three hours ago!"

"We should look for her!"  Wendy exclaimed, jumping from her seat.

"You can go, Natsu."  Erza replied.  "I'm sure you'll be able to find her with your nose."

Natsu nodded grinning.  "Yeah.  I'll find her easily!"  He slammed his right fist into his left hand, determined.  Natsu turned, heading out the door.  "Wish me luck!"

Everyone watched him go, and Wendy looked down at the ground nervously.  Lucy...  Her mind flashed back to Lucy coughing.  When she had coughed, I had felt a strange aura around her body.  Wendy lifted her head, looking worredly out the window into the pitch darkness of the night.  I thought I had imagined it, but now I'm not so sure.


Natsu jogged down the dirt pathway, smelling Lucy's scent flowing right down it.

He smirked.  "I'll find Lucy in no time!"  Slowly, he came to a stop, because it started to get hard to smell Lucy's scent.  "What the..."  He murmured, sniffing the air again.  He took a few paces forward.  "I can't smell Lucy's scent anymore!"


At least two hours had passed, and it was getting close to mid-night.  Erza and everyone else had informed the Master about Lucy's disappearance, and they were all waiting impatietly for Natsu's return with Lucy.

Erza tapped her finger against her armor, biting her lip.  Wendy was sadly looking down at the floor, with Carla wrapped in her arms.  Everyone else was trying to entertain themselves, but even Cana's drunk mind was still worried for Lucy and Natsu.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, and there appeared Natsu, his hands resting on his knees.  He was leaing over, panting.

"So?"  Erza asked, stepping in front of everyone.  "Did you find her?"

"Does it look like I did?"  Natsu replied, breathing heavily.  "Lucy's scent just disappears right off the road."

Everyone flinched, now in the conversation.

"What?"  Gray asked, his eyes narrow.  "Are you sure?"

"Where do you think I was all this time, popsicle?"  Natsu mumbled, and Gray scowled.  He turned to face outside, the trees casting dark shadows against the moon.  "I looked all over the area, but I couldn't find even a 'wiff of her scent."

"Where could she have gone?"  Erza murmured, crossing her arms and looking at the floor.

"I hope Lucy's alright..."  Mira replied, a hand by her lips.

"It be wise if we go out and look for her.  We'll use Warren's Telepathy Magic to communicate with each other."  Makarov ordered.  "Natsu, Erza, Gray, Wendy, Levvy, and Gajeel will all go out and look.  The rest of us will stay here."  Makarov pointed to Warren.  "Warren, stay behind with us and fill us in with what happens outside.  Now this may not be very serious, but with the incident with the Infinity Clock and Lucy currently being missing, this shouldn't be taken lightly."

Everyone nodded.


"Do you see her, Carla?"  Wendy asked, Carla flying above her.

"I can't see anything when it's this dark."  Carla replied, frustrated.  "For some odd reason, the night seems a lot darker than usual."

"Something's not right!"  Wendy replied, running through the trees and heading West.  "Lucy!"  She yelled, stopping and cupping her hands to her mouth.  "Lucy!  Lucy where are you?"


"Do you sense Lucy's magic at all, Erza?"  Gray asked, running beside her.

Erza shook her head.  "It's like Natsu said; she just completely vanished."  They stopped, because the pathway split in two seperate directions now.

"Split up."  They said at the same time, taking two seperate directions.

What could have happened to Lucy?  Erza wondered, looking through the woods on her left and right.  She jumped over a bush, running off the path and into the open woods.  "Warren, can you hear me?"

"Yep.  Nice and clear.  Do you have a report?"

"Let me broadcast this to everyone."

"Got it."  Warren replied, sending his magic out to everyone.  "Listen up everyone.  Erza has a report."

"Listen; I think we might have a better chance of finding Lucy if we look not on the paths, but in the woods around them.  There's a chance Lucy might have wandered into the woods instead of staying on the path!"

"Got it!"  Everyone yelled simultaineously.


"Lucy!"  Levvy called, Gajeel stopping by her side.  Levvy leaned over, trying to catch her breath.  "She...couldn't have gotten far, could she?"

Gajeel sniffed the air, turning his head left and right.  "I don't smell her scent or sense her magic."

"This is very strange..."  Lily replied, his arms crossed as he floated in the air.

"Lucy!"  Levvy called again.  "Answer me!"


"You find her, Happy?"  Natsu asked, making his way off the path and into the trees.

Happy shook his head.  "It was hard for me too see up in the air.  It's strangely dark out here."  Happy sniffled.  "I hope Lucy's alright..."

Natsu narrowed his eyes uncertaintly.  "I'm sure she's fine."

A jolt went through him, because Lucy's scent suddenly appeared in the air.  

"Lucy's scent!"  Happy exclaimed.

Natsu ran into the direction of where Lucy's scent was resonating from, and he appeared on a back road that led up to the cliff that looked over the city.  But halfway on the path, Lucy's scent curved back into the woods.  A little confused and worried, Natsu jumped over a ditch and kept running through the trees.

"Look, Natsu!"  Happy pointed to the sky, and Natsu let his eyes follow Happy's paw.

In the air was another exceed; at least Natsu thought it was.

"It's Lily!"  Happy exclaimed.  "I'll fly up and tell him you caught Lucy's scent!"  Happy took to the sky, but Natsu continued to run through the woods.

A little narrow line of trees lined in a row, and Natsu stopped at one of them.  He peeked across the ground, searching wildly.  "Lucy's scent ends here!"  He replied, frustrated.  He froze, and his eyes widened in shock.


Everyone at the guild was waiting nervously for any signal to show someone had found Lucy.

Then Natsu's voice burst through the Telepathy Link like a siren.  "Someone get Wendy!"  His voice was panicked and a trace of fear was heard in it too.

"Natsu, what's wrong?  Did you find Lucy?"  Warren asked, his hand to his forehead.  Everyone was up nervously.

"Lucy's injured!  She's burning up, and she won't wake up!"

Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings (NaLu Fan Fiction) {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now