Chapter 2

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Wassup bitches im back and i really didnt think i would get such a positve reaction out of this book so thank you! 😘



I really didnt want to go home mostly because i was tired and i didn't want my mom to over react about what happened. Qoun brought be a blanket and a bunch of pillows so i could sleep on the couch. It was alot more easier to sleep then i thought it would be, i slept way passed the time i usally did and woke up to someone running around the house. I opened my eyes seeing qoun getting chased by the guy i sooned learned was named demarii.

  Qoun laughed running towards me he got on the couch next to me hiding behind me "go away or imma get my friend on you" he joked.

I laughed as demarii walked into the kitchen once he was gone Qoun moved so he was sitting next to me " you sleep good?"  He asked

I nodded " yeah why you aint wake me up though" i asked

Qoun shrugged " after getting severely hurt people tend to sleep more and it helps heal faster so really sleep is the best medicine. Plus your really adorable when you sleep" he said

I smiled looking down at my lap, something i noticed about qoun was the he was really smart. Streets smart and book smart. Way to smart to just be beating people up for random niggas who come knocking at his door.

  Qoun smiled " okay now that your feeling better lets talk more cause we didn't really get to know eachother since you was drunk" he said moving the bandana that i was still wearing to the side so the tie was in the front

I shrugged " well theres not really anything for me to tell you" i said

Qoun thought for a second " whats your set?" He asked

I looked at him confused " what?" I asked as he laughed

Qoun shook his head " what do you bang?" He asked

I finnally realised what he was talking about " oh i don't have a set" i said

Qoun smiled " aw your a neighborhood baby" he said

I tilted my head confused " should i be offended" i asked

Qoun shook his head " it means that your involved and you diss opps but your not claimed. You protected without the complication" he said

I smiled rubbing the back of my neck " i didnt know that" i said

Qoun laughed " your a neighborhood baby so you do what you want and we clean up your mess its the best.. Why are you so nervous all the time" he asked pulling my arm down to my side

I shrugged " i dont know..." I mumbled looking up at him

Qoun sighed " you gotta get confident" he said making me smile

I did eventually have to go home and he offered to walk me home. I grabbed my phone that was dead so i was sure my mom would be upset and we left.

  Qoun put his hands in his pockets starting to walk " nah but like for real i meant when i said you probably shouldnt be going places alone" he said

I nodded " yeah I know but I dont always have people to go places with" I said

Qoun smiled " so I'm your only friend? I'm so honered" he said

I laughed shrugging " you don't have to, I know you probably have better things to do" i said

Qoun shook his head " Nah and I'm down to be a body gaurd" he said flexing

I laughed looking at the ground as he looked at me fakely offended " did you just laugh at me? I'm strong enough to be a body gaurd right" he asked.

I looked at him for a second " well your deffently a person" I said

Qoun laughed " oh wow. Now you want to be confident" he said

I shrugged smiling " i think your ego is rubbing off on me" i said

Qoun nodded " because im so amazing" he said

After a lot longer then it usally took me to walk home we made it to my house mabye it was because it was a colder day. We stopped at the end of my driveway.

  I remembered i was still wearing his bandana and went to take it off " oh wait here" i said

Qoun shook his head " keep it, see you around jojo" he said before walking away

I watched as he waked down the street untill i couldnt see him anymore. I sighed walking into my house and let my mom yell at me and then hug me as she stared crying saying I should have called. I didnt know what was up when it came to moms and them being so bipolar.


Thank you for reading!

Mini meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora