Colin choked and looked away. "I...I know that?" he tried to say while still clearing his throat. "What I mean is, why are you the one writing letters to him."

"Oh." She hid the letter behind her frock. "My mother sometimes asks it of me. I'm quite capable, you see."

"I don't doubt it one bit." His eyes still followed the hand that was holding onto the letter.

"Would you like to sit, Colin." She gestured towards the chair. "I already asked Briarly for some biscuits. I'm afraid I wasn't expecting a visitor."

"Ah yes. I'm sorry for arriving without prior notice. I assure you that I don't expect as warm of a welcome as what you'd have for my sister." She breathed a sigh of relief for his choice to let go of the topic.

"Oh, don't be like that, Colin." She paused when the biscuits arrived and began to pour tea for both of them. "I merely don't concern myself as much for Eloise's grievances so I don't have to put on a mask of demure elegance."

"And here I thought we were becoming fast friends," he feigned dejection to which she rolled her eyes at. "How long must I have to put up with your elegance, Penelope?"

Penelope reddened, hoping the scarce powder on her face was enough to hide it. She knew how charming Colin could be even if he didn't try. It was second nature to him to say such flattering words, and it won't do well for her sanity to put gravity on them. It annoyed and relieved Penelope at the same time that he isn't aware of the weight and effect his words have on her, even if they were mere platitudes for him.

She cleared her throat. "I don't know if that's sarcasm or not." She decided to tease, instead, rather than let her vulnerabilities show.

"And now you question my genuity? Penelope! I do fear for the future of our friendship." He put his hands on his chest as if hit and was in pain, his head was shaking with disappointment.

"But I thought you have come to the understanding that we are yet to be fast friends." She gave him an innocent look to which he scoffed at.

"Said only for you to contradict it! I say, Penelope, why is it that you deny me of such appeasements. Had I not known better, I'd say this repartee is proof of our becoming fast friends."

She grinned, unable to keep it in. "Maybe you don't know better, then."

His smile widened causing her stomach to do somersaults within her. "You don't know how glad I am to hear that."

Penelope bit the insides of her lips, not wanting her expression to betray her. "And now that we have established and cemented our friendship," she paused for dramatic effect and he laughed aloud at it. "What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"Haven't we just had a whole discussion about that a few minutes ago?" he smirked at her.

"Not substantially, no." She shook her head defiantly and he chuckled again. She smiled. Penelope realized that for the many years she'd known him, she never got the privilege of hearing his laughter so closely, much less be the cause of it. And now she was hearing it more and more frequently.

When he regained his composure he said, "Do you remember what we talked about some days ago?" He picked up a few biscuits and took a sip of tea.

She thought back to their past conversation and nodded slowly. "Yes, I think."

"You have mentioned something about travelling." He reminded her. When she nodded he continued. "I thought about it..." He took another bite and sip, all while Penelope was at the edge of her seat, waiting for him to continue.

"What? Colin, what do you want to say?" she groaned, making Colin laugh again. She narrowed her eyes at him, fully aware that he was simply vexing her.

"I thought that maybe I should, you know, do it." He shrugged.

"Oh?" She felt her shoulders slump a little. Penelope wasn't sure why she was feeling dismayed when it was her suggestion in the first place. She knew it would do good for him in more ways than one, but it was only in the recent days that she felt far closer with him than she had ever had before. And even though she has continued to remind herself of the necessary end for her unrequited sentiments for him, she was beginning to become fond of their growing, albeit unexpected, friendship.

"Yes. I've always had a fascination with Greece. I'm thinking of travelling across the Mediterranean." His face was expressing an excitement she couldn't help but adore. His eyes were a bright shade of green as if reflecting the plentiful pastures he would surely come across in his journey.

"That's-" Quite far away, she thought. She swallowed her gratuitous disappointment and smiled at him. "That's wonderful, Colin. Truly." She felt the urge to put her hand on top of his but kept them to herself. "When do you plan to begin your travels?" She picked up her tea hoping that the cup might cover up her wavering lips.

"Hm... I don't know. I haven't really come up with a concrete plan. In a few weeks, I think. Maybe a month? Francesca said that she is planning to marry the Kilmartin chap soon enough."

"Yes, I heard from Eloise." She put down her cup and eyed him. "You don't have a plan at all?"

He looked at her shyly. "Well, I thought I should tell you since you were the one who told me to do so in the first place." She felt herself light up at the idea that, of all people, she was the first one that came to his mind. "I don't even know what to tell my mother. Greece is quite a long way. Much farther than Wales."

"I'm sure Lady Bridgerton would agree after a bit of wearing down. I have the impression you're quite experienced in that." She smirked at him.

He grinned widely with pride. "I don't know what your intentions are, but I will gladly take that as a compliment."

"As you should," she assured him. "Now why don't we make sure you actually do have a decent plan before you tell you poor mother."

She began discussing with him what he should do to prepare, what places to take note of to travel to, and various other things. Penelope's knowledge about Greece was heavily limited to the books that the lady's bookshop scarcely offered and from their very behind selection in the Featherington library. And she knew far less about travelling, especially in the sea, but that didn't stop her from coming up with strategies with him. She was aware that he knew that as well, but he happily indulged her.

They spent a good part of the afternoon planning, bickering, and then laughing that she almost forgot about her prior despondence about the matter. It was, then, that she knew that they were truly becoming fast friends.

A/N: I wasn't supposed to write today because DEADLINES!!! But alas! I couldn't help it. Writing has truly become a tool for procrastination for me.

Anyways, I hope this short chapter is enjoyable enough for y'all~

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