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Bokuto lay in his bed, and despite being past 10 at night, and a long day, he wasn't tired. He got out of bed, opened his window and climbed back onto the roof. He looked at Akaashi's window, her light had gone off, but there was a soft colourful glow inside. He smiled and pulled out his phone. He re-read his conversation with Akaashi, then closed it and opened another.

22:58 Bokuto: You awake?

22:59 Kuroo: I am now.

22:59 Bokuto: Shit sorry.

22:59 Kuroo: It's fine, what do you want?

23:00 Bokuto: How do you know if you like a girl?

23:00 Kuroo: You are asking the wrong guy there.

23:01 Bokuto: Okay, how do you know if you like SOMEONE 

23:01 Kuroo: Do we need to have the talk about the birds and the bees?

23:02 Bokuto: Shut up, I'm serious, I think I like Akaashi.

23:02 Kuroo: Ask her out then?

23:02 Bokuto: There's no way I'm doing that. 

23:03 Kuroo: I need backup.

Kenma has been added.

23:03 Kuroo: Kenma, Bokuto thinks he likes Akaashi. 

23:03 Kenma: Why you telling me?

23:04 Kuroo: Because he won't ask her out, and I am out of ideas.

23:04 Kenma: I'm going to bed, but if you want her around more, why don't you see if she want's the team manager position since Yukie stepped down for her exams.

Bokuto sighs and lies back on the roof, staring at the stars. He wished he knew what to do. 


The next morning, he spent slightly longer doing his hair and getting ready than he normally would. He tugged at his tie nervously, and pulled on his blazer, swinging his bag over his shoulder, and walked outside. Akaashi was standing on the corner to the end of their road, tie done up immaculately as normal, hair in a loose bun. She was looking at her phone, so he let his eyes trail down her body, noticing her uniform was slightly too large for her. Most of the girls in the school had the tightest uniforms they could and showed off their bodies. Akaashi wasn't like them at all. 

"Morning." She said as he approached.

"Morning." He replied. 

He swallowed, not knowing what to talk about. He didn't want to ask her about being a manager yet. If he asked and she said no, then he had no plan at all left. At least this way, he still had a chance of her saying yes. 

"Wanna listen to music?" She asked.

"Yeah okay." He said.

She took out a wireless earbud and passed it to him. Sweater Weather was playing as he put it in his ear. He smiled, it was one of his favourite songs. 

They walked to school in a comfortable silence, listening to music. At the gate, he handed the earbud back and said bye. He watched her walk away to her class and smiled to himself. 


The bell rang for lunch, Bokuto looked up from his notes and quickly packs away his stuff, heading to the cafeteria. He gets his food and heads to the roof where he sits with the team every lunch. He's sat with Washio and Anahori, teasing the latter one about his grounding. 

"They will be more than happy if you sit with us." 

Bokuto looks up to see Konoha talking to Akaashi. 

"Right guys? You're fine with Akaashi joining us for lunch?"

"Yeah." said Anahori. "How many teams will be at the training camp next week by the way Bokuto?"

"Five this time, Nekoma invited another team." Bokuto replied.

"Hopefully we'll actually have a new manager by then too." said Konoha. "Hey Akaashi, you're a volleyball player, you ever considered managing one? We will keep Bokuto in line!"

"Hey!" Bokuto chimed in, but looked expectantly at Akaashi.

"Um.. I don't know..." Starts Akaashi.

 "Well think about it." Said Konoha. 

The bell rang for the end of lunch, they got up and walked down the stairs. Bokuto waved goodbye to the group and headed off to his afternoon class with Washio. Double maths was the worst way to finish a Monday afternoon, but at least they had practice to look forward to. 

Bokuto was staring at the maths problems on the board in front of him, and he had no idea what they meant. He wasn't that bad academically but maths just wasn't his thing, he felt pretty useless at the whole thing, it's not like he didn't study, it just didn't make any sense. The teacher interrupted his self destructive thought process to announce that the school was trialing a new scheme for tutoring. Students could sign up as tutors, list the subjects they would tutor in, and their fees, and if anyone was struggling with a certain subject, they could book tutoring sessions in via the music teacher who was running the scheme. The teacher said if anyone was interested, they should see the notice board outside the music rooms. 

The bell rang for the end of the lesson, Bokuto threw his stuff in his bag, and walked to the gym with Washio for practice. He was hoping that Akaashi would come in and say she wanted to be manager to the coach, but by half way through the practice, he had failed to see the ravenette. Bokuto's mood dropped slightly, and Konoha made a joke about his emo mode showing. He threw a volleyball at  Konoha and pushed Akaashi from his mind, jumping up to spike a ball Anahori just set for him. 

The rest of practice passed without any major event, Bokuto got ready to go home, after stopping to ask the coach if anyone had come forward to become the manager. The coach told him no. As he went to leave, he remembered the coaching sessions his maths teacher mentioned. He walked to the music rooms and looked down the list of people who have signed up for tutoring, and the subjects. He skimmed down the maths tutor list and smiled, spotting a familiar name. Bokuto walked into the music rooms and spoke to the music teacher, signed himself up for lessons and paid. 

He walked home, feeling exhausted after his lack of sleep the night before. Bokuto said hi to his parents, ate dinner, and headed to his room, collapsing on his bed. He pulled his bag towards him, pulling out his homework and completed it all apart from the maths. He stared at the page for 10 minutes, before throwing the book across the room in annoyance. 

He lay there fuming, failing to calm down his frustrations, pulled himself up, picked up his maths book, putting it back in his bag and climbed to the roof. He took a deep breath and blew it out. He had had scouts talk to him about college and scholarships, and several good teams had said they wanted him, but he needed to get a good enough grade in maths to get in, and currently he was below that mark for both colleges. 

The cold night air helped him relax and let his anger go. He looked over to Akaashi's window, seeing the glowing lights on once again. She must spend a lot of time at her Nan's house. Bokuto climbed back into his bedroom, and collapsed on his bed. 

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