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Akaashi dived under the net as she watched Bokuto fall and hit the floor. She landed on her knees next to him. Kuroo came running over, Kenma threw a hoodie at him as he ran. Kuroo crouched down and lifted Bokuto's head, sliding the balled up jumper under him. 

"He'll be fine." Kuroo said. "He gets knocked out a lot because he's such an idiot, look after him for a minute, I just want to go grab something."

Akaashi held onto the unconscious boys forearm. Kenma had pulled out his phone and was playing a game, the other two were talking and laughing about something on the other side of the hall. No one seemed that concerned. Akaashi let go of a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding. 

She looked up at his face, bits of his hair had come down where he had been hit, and some had stuck to his forehead. Sweat clung to the side of his face from all the physical exertion he had been doing. His t-shirt clung to his body, showing off his muscled form. His long tanned arm lay at his side. Akaashi lent forward, pushing the strands of hair back up, sticking them to the clumps of cement like hair gel that made his hair rock solid. 

"'Kaashi?" he murmured, stirring.

Akaashi redrew her hand from his face, blushing. 

"You okay?" She asked.

Bokuto made some noises and tried to sit up, groaned and lay back down. 

"Maybe you should take it easy for a while." She cautioned. 

Kuroo came back with a bottle of water and a couple of white pills. 

"Here, idiot." He says, putting the pills in Bokuto's hand. 

Bokuto pulls himself up, swallows the pills and takes the bottle of water from Kuroo, washing them down. Akaashi gets up and walks away, leaving Bokuto in Kuroo's care. She sits down next to Kenma and pulls out her phone. The two sit in silence, lost in their own worlds for a while. It's broken by a shout from Bokuto, Akaashi looks up to see Bokuto punching Kuroo's arm. It seems whatever 'care' Kuroo had been providing had ended, but Akaashi was relieved that Bokuto seemed back to normal.

"You know, I've never been around someone who's able to just sit in silence and let me be." Kenma said suddenly, breaking Akaashi's train of thought.

 "Oh." Akaashi shrugged. "I prefer to watch and listen, I like to learn about people."

"Give me your phone a sec." Kenma replied.

Akaashi handed her phone over, watch Kenma open the contacts section and add himself in, then sends himself a 'hi' message. 

"What's this, Kenma is being sociable?" Kuroo laughs, walking over to them with Bokuto at his heels. 

"Shut up Rooster." Kenma responds.

"Who's an angry kitten then." Kuroo ruffles Kenma's hair and get's a kick to the shin in response.

"Ow! Kenma that hurt" Kuroo complains, hopping backwards onto his other foot. 

"Good." said Kenma, pushing himself up off the ground. "Lets clean up and go home, I've had enough today, and there's only so many times Bokuto should take a ball to the face in one week."

Akaashi gets up and starts collecting volleyballs, watching Lev holding Kenma's phone above his head, telling him to jump for it. Kenma hits Lev in the stomach, so he bends forward, and Kenma jumps up and grabs his phone. Akaashi let out a little laugh, her hand covered her mouth as she did. Kenma looked up at her, laughing too, then suddenly stopped.

"Akaashi, watch out!" He shouted.

Akaashi turns her head to see the back of a hand in front of her face, and hear the sound of a volleyball hit skin. She looks up to see Bokuto rubbing his hand with the other, turning away to yell at Kuroo.

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