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Niragi couldn't say no to Haku when she asked him if they could eat lunch in the cafeteria. She had been eating with him on the rooftop ever since she declared herself as his 'bodyguard' and had only asked because she was cramming an essay and needed a socket for her laptop. Actually, in the weeks they've spent together, Niragi realized that there wasn't a lot he could say no to when she asked, especially once she smiled at him with her dimpled cheek.

He could also just have eaten by himself on the rooftop, but Haku would have been mad if he even suggested that she leave him alone.

And besides, he liked having her by his side.

He could feel everyone's eyes on them as they walked into the room. He felt sick to his stomach and kept his eyes down, following Haku to an empty table by the wall near a socket. He could hear the whispers starting as they both unpacked their lunches, but Haku seemed unbothered.

Niragi slowly took a bite of his food, uncomfortable from all the attention he was getting. Haku, who was busy with her essay, looked up, and upon noticing his unease, reached across the table and squeezed his hand comfortingly.

The whispers grew louder, and Niragi felt his cheeks burn up.

That was one thing he learned about her- she was a very physical person. Even before, he often saw her give her friends hugs, pats on the back, and just general actions to show her affection.

He never thought he would be on the receiving end, and he wasn't complaining.

He noticed a girl stand up from the table near the doors, her friends silently watching as she approached them.

"Hey Haku, why don't you sit with us?" She asked, glancing briefly at Niragi before looking away. He recognized her as the student council treasurer.

"Sorry, I'm eating lunch with Suguru today." Haku replied, not even looking up from the screen.

"Suguru?" The girl asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked at Niragi again, looking like she couldn't believe they were on a first-name basis.

"Alright...we'll catch you later." She said, turning around and going back to her table.

Niragi saw Haku look up from her laptop, and upon catching his gaze, winked at him, but the smile on her lips quickly morphed into a concerned look upon seeing his flushed face.

"Are you okay?" She asked. She stood up from her seat on the other side of the table and sat beside him, putting a hand on his forehead. "You're burning up."

She was so close that Niragi could smell her perfume. He averted his gaze quickly, knowing that staring at her would only make his blush worse.

"Everyone's staring at us." He whispered. The corner of Haku's lips twitched into a smirk.

"Let them." She replied. "Unless...you don't like being seen with me?"

Niragi's eyes widened at her words.

"N-no! Of course not! I love being with you- I-I mean-"

Haku threw her head back as she let out a soft laugh, her hair falling behind her.

"Relax Suguru, I'm just messing with you."

She gave him a playful punch on the shoulder before turning back to her work. Niragi went back to eating his food, but then he noticed Haku get a small, black box with a white ribbon from her bag.

"I almost forgot, I got you something."

He looked up to meet Haku's excited eyes, eager for him to open her gift. Curiously, he untied the bow and lifted the lid.

The White Queen 白の女王 Niragi SuguruWhere stories live. Discover now